Thomas Cubitt’s will of 1855
Thomas Cubitt’s Will
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Text of the main body of the 1855 Will
Page 15 [page ‘1’ of the will]
This is the last Will and Testament
of me Thomas Cubitt of Denbies near Dorking in the County of Surrey and of
Lyall Sheet Belgrave Square in the County of Middlesex Builder I revoke all other Wills
and Codicils by me heretofore made I give and bequeath unto my Wife Mary Anne
Cubitt for her sole and absolute use and benefit All my household furniture books prints
pictures drawings works of art plate linen and china wines spirits consumable stores
and other household effects which shall be in or about my usual dwellinghouse at
the time of my decease or in or about any other house or houses occupied by myself
or my family at Brighton or elsewhere And also all and singular my private
Carriages Carriage horses harness and things relating thereto And also all my Oxen
Cows Sheep and live stock and also all hay straw farming implements and
utensils and other farming stock belonging to me at the time of my decease
I also give and bequeath to my said Wife for her sole and absolute use
and benefit all money which shall be within my usual place of abode at the
time of my decease. I devise unto my Son George All that my fee farm
rent or land tax of Two pounds per annum being my proportion of the fee
farm rent or land tax of Six pounds charged upon a certain cottage and
land in the parish of Monks Risborough in the County of Bucks To hold to
my said son George his heirs and assigns for his and their own use and
benefit I devise unto my said Wife All that my Freehold Mansion or
dwellinghouse at Denbies near Dorking in the County of Surrey with the coach houses
stables outbuildings barns gardens and appurtenances thereto and such portion of
the Park adjoining thereto not exceeding Three hundred acres in extent as she
my said Wife shall within six months after my decease select such selection //
to be signified by writing under her hand To hold the same unto my said
Wife and her assigns during so long as she shall continue my Widow And
subject to the estate hereinbefore limited to my said Wife during her widowhood
in the said Mansion house and other hereditaments last aforesaid I give and
devise my said Freehold Mansion house with the coachhouses stables outbuildings
barns gardens park and appurtenances thereto belonging And also all and singular
other my freehold messuages mills farms lands tithes and hereditaments whatsoever
situate lying being or arising in the several Parishes of Dorking, Mickleham, Great
Beckham and Leatherhead in the County of Surrey or any of them or in any
Parishes adjoining thereto respectively And also all my freehold messuages farms lands
and hereditaments situate in the Parish of Newdigate in the said County of Surrey
or in any parish adjoining thereto including any freehold messuages lands and
hereditaments situate in the five Parishes last aforesaid or any or either of them
which I may hereafter acquire by purchase or otherwise and of or to which I
shall be seized or entitled at the time of my death together with all and
singular the rights easements members and appurtenances to the said several
messuages farms lands and hereditaments belonging or appurtaining or reputed as
appurtenant thereto To the uses upon and for the trusts intents and purposes and
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with under and subject to the powers provisoes and declarations hereinafter
limited expressed and declared of and concerning the same (that is to say) To
the use of my said eldest son George and his assigns during his life
without impeachment of waste And from and after the determination of that
estate by any means in his lifetime To the use of my sons in law The
Reverend Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring Esquire and their heirs during
the life of my said son George but nevertheless Upon trust for him and his
assigns And from and after the decease of my said son George To the
use of each of the sons of my said son George who shall be born
during my lifetime for the life of such son without impeachment of waste And
after his decease To the use of his first and other sons in tail male
so and in such manner that the elder of the said sons of my said
son George to be born during my lifetime and his first and other sons
successively and the heirs male of their respective bodies issuing may be
preferred to and take before the younger of the said sons of my said
son George to be born during my lifetime and his and their respective
first and other sons successively and the heirs male of their respective
bodies issuing but with a remainder immediately after the estate for life of each
son of my said son George to be born during my lifetime To the use of
the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring and their heirs during the
life of such son but nevertheless in trust for such son and his assigns
And after the failure or determination of the uses and estates hereinbefore
limited To the use of the son and sons of my said son George who
shall be born after my decease successively according to their respective seniorities
in tail male And for default of such issue To the use of my second
son William and his assigns during his life without impeachment of waste
And after the determination of that estate by any means in his lifetime
To the use of the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring and their
heirs during the life of my said son William but nevertheless upon trust
for him and his assigns And from and after the decease of my said
son William To the use of each of the sons of my said son William
who shall be born during my lifetime for the life of such son without
impeachment of waste And after his decease to the use of his first
and other sons in tail male so and in such manner that the elder
of the said sons of my said son William to be born during my lifetime
and his first and other sons successively and the heirs male of their
respective bodies issuing may be preferred to and take before the younger
of the said sons of my said son William to be born during my lifetime
and his and his and their respective first and other sons successively and the
heirs male of their respective bodies issuing but with a remainder immediately
after the estate for life of each such son of my said son William to
be born during my lifetime To the use of the said Charles Parker and
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Edgar Alfred Bowring and their heirs during the life of such son but nevertheless
In trust for such son and his assigns And after the failure or determination
of the uses and estates hereinbefore limited To the use of the son and
sons of my said son William who shall be born after my decease
successively according to their respective seniorities in tail male And for default
of such issue To the use of my third son Charles and his assigns during
his life without impeachment of waste And after the determination of that
estate by any means in his lifetime To the use of the said Charles
Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring and their heirs during the life of my
said son Charles but nevertheless In trust for him and his assigns And
from and after the decease of my said son Charles To the use of each
of the sons of my said son Charles who shall be born during my
lifetime for the life of such son without impeachment of waste And
after his decease To the use of his first and other sons successively
in tail male so and in such manner that the elder of the said
sons of my said son Charles to be born during my lifetime and
his first and other sons successively and the heirs male of their
respective bodies issuing may be preferred to and take before the younger
of the said sons of my said son Charles to be born during my life
time and his and their respective first and other sons successively
and the heirs male of their respective bodies issuing but with a remainder
immediately after the estate for life of each such son of my said son
Charles to be born during my lifetime To the use of the said Charles
Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring and their heirs during the life of
such son but nevertheless In trust for such son and his assigns And
from and after the failure or determination of the uses and estates herein
before limited To the use of the son and sons of my said son Charles
who shall be born after my decease successively according to their respective
seniorities in tail male And for default of such issue To the use of
every son of my body hereafter to be born during his life without
impeachment of waste And after his decease To the use of his first
and other sons successively in tail male so and in sich manner that
the elder of my said sons hereafter to be born and his first and
other sons successively and the heirs male of their respective bodies issuing
may be preferred to and take before the younger of my said sons
hereafter to be born and his and their respective first and other sons
successively and the heirs male of their respective bodies issuing but with
a remainder immediately after the estate for life of each of my said sons
hereafter to be born To the use of the said Charles Parker and Edgar
Alfred Bowring and their heirs during the life of each such son but
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nevertheless In trust for such son and his assigns And after the
failure or determination of the uses and estates hereinbefore limited To
the use of all and every my daughters whether now born or hereafter to
be born during their respective lives in equal shares as tenants in common
without impeachment of waste And after the determination in her life
time of the estate for life so limited to each such daughter then as
to the share of each such daughter To the use of the said Charles Parker
and Edgar Alfred Bowring and their heirs during the life of each such
daughter but nevertheless upon hust for each such daughter and her assigns
And from and after the decease of each such daughter then as to
the share of each such daughter To the use of all and every the
Child and Children of each such daughter and the heirs of the body and
respective bodies of such Child and children if more than one such Child
in equal shares as tenants in common And if there shall be but
one such Child To the use of such only Child and the heirs of his
or her own body And in case there shall be more than one such Child
of such daughter and there shall be a failure of issue of the body or
bodies of any one or more of such children of such daughter then as
to the share or shares whether original or accruing under this present
limitation of any such Child or Children whose issue shall so fail To
the use of the other or other of such Children of such daughter and the
heirs of the body and respective bodies of such other Child or Children if
more than one such other Child of such daughter in equal shares as
tenants in common And if there shall be but one such other Child
of such daughter To the use of such only other Child and the heirs of
his or her body And in case of failure of issue of the body of any
one or more of my said daughters then and so often as the same
shall happen as to as well the share or respective shares originally limited
for life to the daughter or daughters whose issue shall so fail as any
share or shares which shall have accrued to her or them or her or their
Child or Children under this limitation To the use of the other or others
of my said daughters during her or their life or respective lives as tenants
in common without impeachment of waste And after the determination in
her lifetime of the estate fo rlife so limited to each such other
daughter as last aforesaid then as to the share or shares so limited
to each such other daughter during her life To the use of the said
Charles Barker and Edgar Alfred Bowring and their heirs during the life
of each such other daughter but nevertheless upon trust for each such other
daughter and her assigns And after the decease of each such other
daughter then as to such share or shares as last aforesaid To the use
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of all and every her Child and Children and the heirs of the body
and respective bodies of such Child or Children such Children if more
than one to take as tenants in common and with the like cross-
remainders between them in the event of the failure of issue of any
such Children as hereinbefore provided with respect to such Childrens shares
of the shares originally limited to my daughters during their respective
lives And if there shall be but one sich child then to the use of
such only Child and the heirs of his or her body And in case there
shall be a failure of issue of all my said daughters but one then as
to the entirety of the hereditaments hereinbefore devised in strict settlement
To the use of such only remaining daughter for her life without
impeachment of waste And after the determination of that estate in her
lifetime To the use of the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring
and their heirs during the life of such only remaining daughter but
nevertheles In trust for her and her assigns And after the decease
of such daughter To the use of all and every the Child and Children
of such only remaining daughter and the heirs of the body and respective
bodies of such Child and Children such children if more than one
to take in equal shares as tenants in common And with the like
cross-remainders between them in the event of the failure of issue
of any such children as hereinbeofre provided with respect to such
Childrens shares of the shares originally limited to my daughters during
their respective lives And if there shall be but one such Child of
such only remaining daughter then to the use of such only Child
of such only remaining daughter and the heirs of the body of such
only Child And for default of all such issue as aforesaid To the
use of my own right heirs for ever Provided Always and I hereby
declare my Will to be that every person who under or by virtue of
this my Will shall for the time being be in the possession or entitled
to the receipt of the rents and profits of the said hereditaments and
premises hereinbefore devised in strict settlement (or any undivided share
thereof) for his or her life either at law or in equity shall at
his or her own costs and charges at all times during his or
her life respectively well and sufficiently maintain amend and keep or
cause to be kept in good and sufficient order and repair (or according to
the extent of such undivided share contribute rateably towards the
maintenance amendment and keeping in repair of) the said Capital and
other messuages farmhouses houses outhouses edifices and buildings and all
and singular other the premises hereinbefore devised and every part thereof
and the appurtenances thereof And shall at the like costs and charges keep
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or cause to be kept or contribute according as aforesaid towards keeping or causing
to be kept all the said capital and other messuages farmhouses and buildings
adequately insured against loss or damage by fire And in case any of the said
capital or other messuages farmhouses or buildings shall be destroyed or damaged
by fire and any money shall be received from any Insurance Office on account
thereof then do and shall lay out or cause to be laid out or join and concur with
all other persons in laying out and causing to be laid out the whole of such
money (after deducting necessary expences) as soon as conveniently may be in
rebuilding or repairing the messuages and buildings which shall have been so
destroyed or damaged Provided also And I hereby declare my Will to be that
no person who under or by virtue of this my Will shall for the time being be
in the possession of or entitled to the receipt of the rents and profits of the
said hereditaments and premises hereinbefore devised or any undivided share thereof
for an estate for his or her life or any less estate shall fell or cut down
or join or concur with any other person or persons in felling or cutting down
any timber or timberlike trees unless the same be required for the purpose of
erecting or making houses edifices buildings gates stiles fences or other works
in or upon or about some part of the same lands tenements and hereditaments
or for the reparation amendment enlargement or improvement of some of the houses
outhouses edifices or buildings gates stiles or fences or works which now are or at
my death shall be standing or being upon some part of the same hereditaments
and premises Provided always nevertheless And I hereby declare my Will to be
that it shall be lawful for any person or persons who shall for the time being be
entitled as aforesaid to fell and cut down or as the case may require to join
and concur with any other person or persons in felling and cutting down any
timber or timberlike trees which any two respectable Surveyors shall by writing
under their hands certify to be of such age or in such state that they
will probably deteriorate by being allowed to remain standing Provided also And
I hereby declare that the three Provisoes or Clauses last hereinbefore contained shall
as respects the hereditaments and premises hereinbefore devised to my said Wife
during her widowhood extend and apply to my said Wife and the buildings and
timber on such last mentioned hereditaments and premises in like manner as if
such three Provisoes or Clauses had been here repeated (Mutatis mutandis)
Provided always And I hereby declare my Will to be that if any person
who under or by virtue of this my Will would (if this present proviso had
not been herein inserted) for the time being be entitled to the possession or receipt
of the rents and profits of the said hereditaments and premises hereinbefore devised
in strict settlement or any undivided share thereof as tenant for life or by
purchase under this my Will as tenant in tail male or in tail general shall
be under the age of twenty one years Then and in such case and so often as the
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same shall happen the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring and
the survivor of them and the executors or administrators of such survivor shall
enter into the possession or receipt of the rents and profits of the same hereditaments
and premises or such undivided share thereof And shall during the minority of such
tenant for life or tenant in tail male or in tail general by purchase continue in
such possession or receipt of rents and profits and manage or superintend the
management of the same hereditaments and premises or of such undivided share thereof
with full power either alone or with the concurrence of any person or persons entitled
to any other undivided shaw or shares of the same hereditaments and premises as
the case may require (but subject where such possession or receipt shall be in right
of a tenant for life to the restrictions or provisoes hereinbefore contained in reference
to tenants for life) to fell timber and cut underwood from time to time in
the usual course for sale or for repairs or otherwise and to erect pull down and
repair houses and other buildings and erections and to drain or otherwise improve
all or any of the said hereditaments and premises and to insure houses buildings
or other property against loss or damage by fire and to make allowances to
and arrangements with tenants and others and to accept surrenders of leases
and tenancies and generally to deal with the premises or such undivided share
thereof as they or he might do if they were the absolute owners thereof respectively
And shall from time to time during such minority by and out of the rents
and profits or share of rents and profits of the said hereditaments and premises
received by them or him (including the produce or any share of the produce of
the sale of timber and underwood) pay and discharge the expences incurred in
or about such management or in the exercise of any of the powers aforesaid or
otherwise in respect of the premises and also all outgoings not payable by any
tenant or other person or a proportionate share thereof and keep down any
annual sum which may for the time being be charged upon the same
premises or any part thereof and the interest of any principal sum which
may be charged by way of mortgage or otherwise upon the same premises or
any part thereof or a proportionate share of such annual sum and interest
and apply any sum or sums which they or he shall thunk proper according
to the age of such minor in or towards the maintenance or education of such
miner And invest the residue of such rents and profits or share of rents and
profits in their or his names or name in or upon any of the Parliamentary
stocks or public funds of Great Britain or at interest upon Government or
real securities in England or Wales but not in Ireland to be from time to
time altered or varied if to them or him it shall seem meet And
and accumulate the dividends interest and annual produce of the said stocks funds
and securities in the way of compound interest by from time to time similarly
investing the same and all resulting income and produce thereof And shall
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?and[1] and be possessed of and interested in the said rents and profits or share
of rents and profits and the said original and accumulated stocks funds
and securities and the dividends interest and annual produce thereof upon the
trusts following (that is to say) if the tenant for life or tenant in tail male
or in tail general by purchase during whose minority the said rents and
profits shall have been accumulated as aforesaid shall attain the age of
twenty one years or die under that age leaving issue entitled or inheritable
under the limitations hereinbefore contained Then upon trust to pay transfer or
assign the same to such tenant for life tenant in tail male or in
tail general his or her executors or administrators as personal estate But
if such tenant for life or tenant in tail male or in tail general shall
die under the age of twenty one years without leaving issue entitled or
inheritable under the limitations hereinbefore contained Then from and after the
decease of such person upon and for the trusts intents and purposes and
with under and subject to the powers provisoes and declarations hereinafter
declared and contained of and concerning the monies to arise from a sale
in pursuance of the power of sale hereinafter contained and the stocks funds
and securities in or upon which such monies are hereinafter authorised to
be invested and the dividends interest and annual produce thereof Provided
also And I hereby declare my Will to be that it shall be lawful for each and
every of my said Sons and Grandsons who shall under or by virtue of this my
Will become tenant for life of the said hereditaments and premises hereinbefore
devised in strict settlement at any time or times either before or after he shall
under or by virtue of this my Will be entitled to the possession or to the receipt
of the rents and profits of the said hereditaments and premises (but subject and
without prejudice to the uses and estates preceding the estate of the person
for the time being exercising this present power and to the powers annexed to
such preceding uses or estates And to the uses or estates limited in exercise of such
powers) by any Deed or Deeds with or without power of revocation and new
appointment or by Will or Codicil to grant limit or appoint to any woman
with whom he may marry or have married for her life or for any less
period any yearly rent charge or yearly rent charges not exceeding in the
whole for any such woman the yearly sum of Two hundred pounds to be issuing
and payable out of all or any of the said hereditaments and premises
hereinbefore devised in strict settlement to be free from all deductions and to be
paid at such times and in such manner as to the person for the time
being exercising this present power shall seem meet And to limi or appoint
to such woman usual powers and remedies for recovering and enforcing payment
of the said yearly rent charge or yearly rent charges by distress and entry upon
and retention of the possession and perception of the rents and profits of the premises
Page 23 [page 9 of the actual will]
[?ch]rged therewith And also to limit and appoint the premises so charged to any person
or persons for any term of years with or without impeachment of waste upon such
usual trusts for better securing the payment of the said yearly rent charge or yearly
rent charges as to the person for the time being exercising this present power
shall seem meet but so that every such term of years be made to cease
(subject and without prejudice to any disposition which may be made under
the trusts to be declared thereof as aforesaid on the death of the woman for the benefit
of whom the same shall be created And the payment of the arrears (if any) of her
rent charge or rent charges And the expenses (if any) incurred by the nonpayment
thereof Provided nevertheless And I hereby declare my Will to be that no
jointure which may be appointed under the power last hereinbefore contained shall
become a lieu upon the said premises or any part thereof or be payable unless
either the person so appointing the same shall be or become entitled to the
possession or the receipt of the rents and profits of the said premises or some
issue of such person shall or if of full age would become so entitled Provided
further and I hereby declare my Will to be that the said premises or any of
them shall not under or by virtue of the power lastly hereinbefore contained be
at any one time subject to the payment of yearly rent charges exceeding in
the whole the annual sum of Six hundred pounds so that if in consequence
of the exercise of the same power she said premises or any of them would but for
this present proviso have been for the time being charged with the
payment of yearly rent charges exceeding in the whole the annual sum of Six hundred
pounds the yearly rent charge or rent charges by which such excess shall have
been occasioned or such part thereof respectively as shall have occasioned and shall
form such excess shall from time to time during the continuance of such excess
absolutely sink into and not be raiseable out of the said premises And the
same yearly rent charges respectively shall have preference and priority of payment
according to the priority in order of limitation of the estates of the several
persons exercising the said power last hereinbefore contained Provided also and
I hereby declare my will to be that it shall be lawful for each and every of
my said sons and grandsons who shall under or by virtue of this my last Will
become tenant for life of the said hereditaments and premises hereinbefore devised
in strict settlement at any time or times either before or after he shall under
or by virtue of this my Will for the time being be entitled to the possession,
or to the receipt of the rents and profits of the same premises by any deed
or deeds with or without power of revocation and new appointment or by Will
Codicil (but subject and without prejudice to the uses and estates preceding the
estate of the person for the time being exercising this present power and to
the powers annexed to such preceding uses or estates And to the uses or
estates limited in exercise of such powers) to charge all or any of the said
hereditaments and premises hereinbefore devised in strict settlement with the
payment of any sum or sums not exceeding in the different events hereinafter
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specified the different sums hereinafter mentioned as and for the portion or portions
of his Child or Children or any one or more exclusively of the others or other
of his Children (other than or besides a first or only son) (that is to say) If
there shall be but one such child as aforesaid (other than or besides as aforesaid)
and no more then the sum of Forty thousand pounds And if there shall be
two such Children (other than or besides as aforesaid) and no more then the
and no more than the sum of Forty thousand pounds And if there shall be
two such Children(other than or besides as aforesaid) and no more than the
sum of Forty thousand pounds And if there shall be three such
Children (other than or besides as aforesaid) and no more than the sum of
Sixty thousand pounds And if there shall be four or more such children
other than or besides as aforesaid, then the sum of One hundred thousand
pounds to be an interest vested or interests vested in and to be payable unto
or between or among such Child or Children or any one or more exclusively
of the other or others of such Children at such age or time ages or times
in such manner And if more than one in such shares and to be
subject to such powers of appointment by the person for the time being
exercising this present power or any other person or persons and to such
provisions for the advancement or preferment of any such Child or Children
at the discretion of any trustees or trustee or otherwise And to such other
powers and provisoes for the benefit of such Child or Children or some or
or one of them as the person for the time being exercising this present power
shall in manner aforesaid direct And by the same or any other deed or
deeds or by Will or Codicil (but subject and without prejudice as aforesaid) to
charge the premises charged with such portion or portions respectively with the
payment of any annual sum or sums (not exceeding the interest of the
sum or sums so charged for a portion or portions after the rate of
four pounds per Cent per annum) for or towards the maintenance or education
of the Child or Children for whom the portion or portions charged as
aforesaid shall be intended in the meantime until such portion or portions
shall become payable the said annual sum or sums to be clear of all
deductions and to commence from such period or periods and to be raised
and paid and applied in such proportions at such times and in such
manner as the person aforesaid direct And by the same or any other deed or
deeds or by Will or Codicil (but subject and without prejudice as aforesaid
to limit and appoint the hereditments and premises so charged as aforesaid
to any person or persons for any term or terms of years with or without
the principal and annual sum or sums so charged as aforesaid and the
costs and expences (if any) to be incurred in or about the execution of the
trusts thereof Provided always that when and so often as any second or
younger son of any tenant for life entitled to exercise the aforesaid power of
charging portions shall by reason of the death of his elder or other brothers
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become an eldest or only son for the time being entitled to the first estate
or freehold or inheritance expectant on the decease of such tenant for life such
second or younger son shall thenceforth (but subject and without prejudice to any
previous exercise of the said power) cease to be an object of the said power
and subject and without prejudice as aforesaid shall be excluded in computing
the number of Children to be provided for thereunder Provided also And I
further declare that when and so often as any Child of any such tenant
for life (other than an eldest or only son) shall being a son die under
the age of twenty one years or being a daughter die under the age of
twenty one years and without having been married such Child shall (subject
and without prejudice to any payments actually made for his or her maintenance
education or advancement pursuant to the directions of any appointment made in
pursuance of the aforesaid power) cease to be an object of the said power and
subject and without prejudice as aforesaid shall be excluded in computing the
number of Children to be provided for thereunder Provided also and I hereby
declare that no portion which may be charged under the power hereinbefore contained
nor any interest on any such pportion not any part thereof respectively shall
become in lieu upon the said hereditaments and premises or any part thereof or be
payable unless either the person so charging the same shall under or by virtue
of this my Will be or become entitled to the possession or to the receipt of the
rents and profits of the same premises or unless some issue of such person shall
or if of full age would become so entitled Provided further and I declare my
Will to be that the said hereditaments and premises or any of them shall
not under or by virtue of the power lastly hereinbefore contained become ultimately
subject or liable to the payment of any greater sum of money in the whole
for portions than the principal sum of Two hundred thousand pounds so that
if in consequence of the exercise of the same power the said premises or any of
them would but for this present proviso have been charged with a greater
sum for portions in the whole than the principal sum of Two hundred thousand
pounds the charge or charges by which such excess shall have been occasioned
or such part thereof respectively as shall have occasioned or shall form such excess
shall absolutely sink into and not be raiseable out of the said premises And
the same portions respectively shall have preference and priority of payment according
to the priority in order of limitation of the estates of the several persons
excrcising the said power last hereinbefore contained Provided also and I hereby
declare my Will to be that it shall be lawful for each and every of
my said sons and Grandsons who shall under or by virtue of this my Will
become tenant for life of the said hereditaments and premises hereinbefore devised
in strict settlement as and when he shall under this my Will be entitled
to the possession or the receipt of the rents and profits of the same premises
And also for each and every of my said daughters who shall under or
by virtue of this my Will become tenant for life of any undivided share
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or shares or of the entirety of the same hereditaments and premises as
and when she shall under this my Will be entitled to the possession
or the receipt of the rents and profits of the said undivided share or
shares or entirety And also for the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred
Bowring and the surviver of them and the executors or administrators of such
survivor during the minority of any person who if of full age would under this
my Will be for the time being entitled to the possession or the receipt of the
rents and profits of the same premises or any undivided share or shares thereof
by deed to appoint or as the case may require to concur with the person
or persons entitled to the other undivided share or shares of the same premises
in appointing by way of lease all or any of the said hereditaments and
premises for any term of years not exceeding twenty one years to take effect
in possesion so as there be reserved on every such appointment the best
yearly rent or rents to be incident to the immediate reversion that can
be reasonably gotten without taking anything in the nature of a fine premium
or foregift And so as there be contained in every such appointment a condition
of reentry for nonpayment within a reasonable time to be therein specified of
the rent or rents thereby reserved And so the appointer or appointees do execute
a Counterpart of such appointment and do thereby covenant for the due payment
of the rent or rents thereby reserved And be not made dispunishable for waste
Provided also and I hereby declare my Will to be that it shall be
lawful for each and every of my said Sons and Grandsons who shall under
and by virtue of this my Will become tenant for life of the said hereditaments
and premises hereinbefore devised in strict settlement as and when he shall under
this my Will be entitled to the possession or receipt of the rents and profits of
the same premises And also for each and every of my daughters who shall
under or by virtue of this my Will become tenant for life of any undivided
share or shares or of the entirety of the same hereditaments and premises as
and when she shall under this my Will be entitled to the possession or
the receipt of the rents and profits of the said undivided share or shares or
entirety and also for the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring and the
survivor of them and the executors or administrators of such survivor during the
minority of any person who if of full age would under this my Will
be for the time being entitled to the possession or the receipt of the rents
and profits of the same premises or any undivided share or shares thereof by
deed to appoint or as the case may require to join and concur with the
person or persons entitled to the other undivided share or shares of the same
premises in appointing by way of Lease any part of the said hereditaments and
premises to any person or persons who shall improve the same by erecting or
building thereon any new house erection or building or by rebuilding enlarging
or improving any house erection or building then standing thereon or shall covenant
or agree so to do within five years next after the date of such appointment
Page 27 [page 13 of the actual will]
for any term of years not exceeding ninety nine years to take effect in possession
so as there be reserved on every such appointment the best yearly rent or
rents to be incident to the immediate reversion that can be reasonably gotten
without taking anything in the nature of a fine premium or foregift And so
as there be contained in every such appointment a condition of reentry for
nonpayment within a reasonable time to be therein specified of the rent or
rents thereby reserved and so as the appointee or appointees do execute a Counterpart
of such appointment and do thereby covenant for the due payment of the rent or
rents thereby reserved Provided always that a peppercorn rent or any smaller
rent than the rent be ultimately made payable may be reserved during all
or any of the first five years of any such term as last aforesaid And for
the purpose of facilitating the exercise of the power of leasing last hereinbefore
contained I declare that it shall be lawful for the persons exercising such
power to set out and appropriate such portions of the hereditaments hereby settled
in strict settlement as they may think fit as and for a Road[2] or other
easement or appurtenance convenient for the hereditaments to be appointed by
way of lease as aforesaid and to grant such rights of way over and
make such arrangements for the formation and repair of any such Road as they may
think fit Provided also and I hereby declare my Will to be that it shall
be lawful for each and every of my said sons and Grandsons who shall
under and by virtue of this my Will become tenant for life of the said
hereditaments and premises hereinbefore devised in strict settlement as and when
he shall under this my Will be entitled to the possession or the receipt of the
rents and profits of the same premises And also for each and every of my
daughters who shall under or by virtue of this my Will become tenant for life
of any undivided share or shares or of the entirety of the same hereditaments
and premises as and when she shall under this my Will be entitled to the
possession or the receipt of the rents and profits of the said undivided share or
shares or entirety And also for the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred
Bowring and the surviver of them and the executors or administraters of such
survivor during the minority of any person who if of full age would under
this my Will for the time being be entitled to the possession or the receipt
of the rents and profits of the same premises or any undivided share or
shares thereof by deed to appoint or as the case may require to join and
concur with the person or persons entitled to the other undivided share or
shares of the same premises in appointing by way of lease all or any of
the mines quarries minerals stone clay chalk sand or earths in under or upon
the same premises or any of them or any part thereof either with or without
any messuages buildings lands or hereditaments convenient to be held therewith
and either with or without the surface of the lands in or under which
Page 28 [page 14 of the actual will]
DL note – on the original OCR transcript, this page was duplicated as there are two images of page 14.
the same shall be And whether the same have or have not been
hitherto opened or worked for any term of years not exceeding sixty years to take
effect in possession together with all such liberties licences powers and privileges
for searching for working getting washing smelting rendering merchantable and disposing
of the said mines quarries minerals stone clay chalk sand or earth as to the
person or persons for the time being exercising this present power shall seem
expedient so as there be reserved on every such appointment the best rent or
rents tolls duties royalties or reservations by the acre the ton or otherwise to be
incident to the immediate reversion that can be reasonably gotten without taking
anything in the nature of a fine premium or foregift And so as there be
contained in every such appointment a condition of reentry for nonpayment or
nondelivery within a reasonable time to be therein specified of the rent or rents
tolls duties royalties or reservations thereby reserved And so the appointee or
appointees do execute a Counterpart thereof and do thereby covenant for the due
payment or delivery of the rent or rents tolls duties royalties or reservations
thereby reserved Provided always that the reservation of rents tolls duties or
royalties the amount of which shall vary with or according to the acreage
worked or the minerals stone clay sand chalk or earths gotten shall not
be deemed to be in the nature of a fine premium or foregift though the
effect of such reservation may eventually be disadvantageous to persons claiming
under this my Will in remainder or reversion Provided also And I hereby
declare my Will to be that it shall be lawful for the said Charles Parker
and Edgar Alfred Bowring and the survivor of them and the executors and
administrators of such survivor during the life of any person hereby made tenant
for life who shall under this my Will be for the time being entitled to
the possession or to the receipt of the rents and profits of the said hereditaments
and premises hereinbefore devised in strict settlement or any undivided share or
shares thereof with his or her consent in writing if he or she shall be
of full age and also during the minority of any person by this my Will made
tenant for life or in tail male or in tail general by purchase who shall
or if of full age would for the time being be entitled to the possession or
to the receipt of the rents and profits of the same premises or of any
undivided share or shares thereof at the discretion of them the said Charles
Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring or the survivor of them or of the executors
or administrators of such survivor to sell or exchange or as the case may
require to join and concur with the person or persons entitled to the other
undivided share or shares of the same premises in selling or exchanging for
other manors lands or hereditaments in England or Wales all or any of the
said premises hereinbefore devised in strict settlement And upon any such exchange
to give or receive any money for equality of exchange And I hereby declare
Page 29 [page 15 of the actual will]
that any such sale as aforesaid may be made either by public auction or
private contract And that the said Charles Parker and Edgard Alfred Bowring
and the survivor of them and the executors and administrators of such survivor
shall have full power to insert or to join and concur in inserting any such
special or other stipulations as to title or evidence of title or otherwise in any
conditions of sale or contract for sale or exchange of the said premises or
any part thereof as they or he shall think fit And to buy in or rescind
any contract for sale of the same premises or any part thereof or to concur
in so doing as they or he shall think fit And so resell or join and concur
in reselling the premises so bought in or as to which the contract shall
be so rescinded aforesaid without being responsible for any loss occasioned
thereby And I hereby declare that for effectuating any such sale or exchange
it shall be lawful for the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring
and the survivor of them and the executors or administrators of such survivor
with such consent or at such discretion as aforesaid by any Deed or Deeds
to revoke and make void all or any of the used trusts powers and
provisoes hereinbefore limited and declared or to be limited or declared under
the powers hereinbefore contained of jointuring or charging portions of or
concerning the said premises or any part thereof or of or concerning any
undivided share or shares (as the case may require) subject and without prejudice
to any mortgage or other disposition which may have been made under the
trusts of any term of years which shall have been limited under the
aforesaid powers of jointuring or charging portions And to any lease or leases which
may have been granted under any of the powers of leasing hereinbefore
contained And by the same or any other Deed or Deeds to limit declare
direct or appoint any use or uses estate or estates trust or trusts of the
same premises or any part or parts thereof or any undivided share or shares
thereof (as the case may require) which shall be thought necessary or expedient
to effectuate any such sale or exchange And I hereby declare that the
said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring and the survivor of them and the
executors and administrators of such survivor shall receive all monies which
may become payable to them or him Upon any such sale or exchange as
aforesaid for or in respect of either the entirety of the same premises or an
undivided share or shares thereof as the case may be and shall with all
convenient speed invest the same in the purchase of other manors lands or
hereditaments in England or Wales for an estate or estates of inheritance in fee
simple or in the purchase of lands of a leasehold or copyphold or customary
tenure convenient to be held therewith or with any hereditaments for the time
being subject to the uses or trusts under this my Will subsisting with respect
to the premises or undivided share of premises so sold or exchanged yet so
Page 30 [page 16 of the actual will]
as that during the life of any person hereby made tenant for life who
shall for the time being be entitled as aforesaid and shall be of full age
every such purchase be made with his or her consent in writing And
I hereby declare that the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring and
the survivor of them and the heirs executors or administrators of such survivor
shall settle and assure or cause to be settled and assured all such of the
manors lands or hereditaments so to be purchased or taken in exchange as
aforesaid as shall be freeholds of inheritance to the uses upon and for the
trusts intents and purposes and with under and subject to the powers provisoes
and declarations in and by this my Will limited expressed and declared (or
under the powers hereinbefore contained of jointuring or charging portions to be
limited expressed and declared) of and concerning the hereditaments and premises
or undivided share or shares of hereditaments and premises so sold or exchanged
as aforesaid or as near thereto as the deaths of parties and other intervening
accidents will admit of but not so as to increase or multiply charges
And shall settle and assure or cause to be settled and assured all such
of the said manors lands or hereditaments so to be purchased or taken in
exchange as aforesaid as shall be of leasehold or copyhold or customary
tenure upon and for such trusts intents and purposes and with under
and subject to such powers provisoes and declarations as shall or may correspond
with and be similar to the uses trusts intents purposes powers provisoes and
declarations in and by this my Will limited expressed and declared (or under
the said powers of jointing or charging portions to be limited expressed and
declared) of and concerning the hereditaments and premises or undivided share or
shares of hereditaments and premises so sold or exchanged as aforesaid or as near
thereto as the different tenure and quality of the premises and the rules of law and
equity and the deaths of parties and other intervening accidents will admit of but
not so as to increase or multiply charges And so that if any of the lands
purchased or taken in exchange shall be held by a lease for years the same
shall not nor shall any undivided share thereof vest absolutely in any person hereby
made tenant in tail male or in tail general by purchase who shall not attain the
age of twenty one years but on his or her death under that age shall go
devolve and remain in the same manner as if they had been freeholds of
inheritance and had been settled accordingly And I hereby declare that the powers
and provisions hereinafter given expressed and contained with reference to the enfranchisement
of my copyhold hereditaments hereinafter devised upon trusts in strict settlement and
with reference to the renewal of leases or grants of any leasehold or copyhold
premises hereinafter bequeathed upon trusts in strict settlement which may be
held for a Lease or Leases or grant or grants for lives or years ordinarily renewable
shall in all respects apply and extend to any hereditaments or premises of like
Page 31 [page 17 of the actual will]
tenure or similarly held which may be purchased or taken in exchange as aforesaid
Provided always and I hereby declare that it shall be lawful for the said Charles
Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring and the survivor of them and the executors and
administraters of such surviver by and out of the monies to arise from any such
sale or to be received for equality of exchange as aforesaid to pay any money which
upon any exchange made in exercise of the aforesaid power in that behalf shall
or may be payable by the trustees or trustee for the time being acting in the
exercise of the same power for equality of exchange and also to raise any
money agreed to be paid by the said trustees or trustee for equality of exchange
by mortgage of the hereditaments to be received in exchange or of any other
hereditaments for the time being subject under this my Will to the same
uses or trusts as the hereditaments taken or received in Exchange as aforesaid
And to make all such appointments assignments surrenders and other assurances
And to do all such other acts as shall be necessary or expedient for
effectuating any such mortgage or mortgages And no mortgage advancing money
upon any mortgage purporting to be made under this power shall be bound
to see that such money is wanted or that no more than is wanted is
raised Provided also and I hereby declare that it shall be lawful for
the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring and the survivor of them and
the executors and administrators of such surviver upon the request of any person
hereby made tenant for life who shall for the time being be entitled as
aforesaid And shall be of full age or if there shall be no person for the
time being entitled as aforesaid and of full age then at their or his discretion
to apply or join and concur in applying any money to arise by any such
sale or exchange as aforesaid in or towards paying off or discharging any mortgage
or other charge or incumbrance for the time being affecting any hereditaments
then subject under this my Will to the same uses or trusts as the hereditaments
sold or exchanged And I hereby declare that until the money to arise by every
or any such sale or exchange as aforesaid shall be disposed of as hereinbefore
directed it shall be lawful for the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring
and the survivor of them and the executors or administrators of such survivor
with the consent of any person hereby made tenant for life who shall for
the time being be entitled as aforesaid And shall be of full age And subject
as aforesaid at the discection of such trustees or trustee for the time being
to place oout such money or any part thereof in their or his names or name
in or upon any of the Parliamentary stocks or public funds of Great Britain
or upon Government or Real securities in England or Wales but not in Ireland
And with the like consent and at the like discretion to alter vary or transpose
the said stocks funds and securities into or for others of the same description
And I hereby declare that the interest dividends and annual produce of such stocks
Page 32 [page 18 of the actual will]
funds and securities shall be paid and applied to such person or persons for such
intents and purposes and in such manner as the rents and profits of the
hereditaments to be purchased therewith would be payable or applicable in case
such purchase or purchases and settlements as aforesaid were then actually made
Provided always and I hereby declare that the receipt or receipts in writing of
the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring and the survivor of them and
the executors and administrators of such surviver or of the trustees or trustee for the
time being acting or entitled to act in the execution of the aforesaid powers of
sale and exchange for any money which may become payable for the purchase
of any hereditaments or undivided share of hereditaments which may be sold under
the said power of sale or for equality of exchange And for any money advanced
by a mortgagee or mortgagees upon any mortgage purporting to be made under
the power hereinbefore contained of raising money by mortgage and for any other
money which may be paid to the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred
Bowring or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such
survivor under or by virtue of this my Will or in the execution of any
of the trusts or powers hereof shall effectually discharge the person or persons
paying such money from the same And from being bound to see to
the application or being answerable for the misapplication or nonapplication thereof
Provided also and I hereby declare that during the continuance and subsistence
of the estate hereinbefore devised to my Wife during her widowhood the powers
of sale and exchange hereinbefore contained and all and singular the clauses and
provisions relating thereto or connected therewith shall in all respects apply to the
hereditaments and premises so devised to my said Wife as aforesaid but so
nevertheless that in all cases where the consent of the tenant for life in
possession is hereinbefore made requisite the consent of my said Wife shall as
respects such last mentioned hereditaments and premises or the produce of sale
thereof be requisite in like manner And I hereby declare that in the event
of the said hereditaments and premises so devised to my said Wife as aforesaid
or any part thereof being during the continuance of her estate therein sold
or exchanged jointly and together with any other of the hereditaments and premises
hereinbefore devised in strict settlement it shall be lawful for the person or persons for
the time being entitled to exercise in respect to such other hereditaments and
premises the powers of sale and exchange hereinbefore contained (nevertheless with such
consents as are prescribed in reference to the exercise of such last mentioned powers) to
enter into such agreement or agreements with my said Wife as shall from time to time
be deemed expedient for the apportionment either of any purchase monies to be received
or of any lands to be taken in exchange or of any lands to be purchased with
the produce of sale of the lands sold or as shall otherwise be deemed expedient
for the ascertainment and determination of the property in which my said Wife is to be
Page 33 [page 19 of the actual will]
considered as taking an estate during her widowhood And I declare that every such
agreement as aforesaid shall be binding and conclusive upon all persons claiming under
this my Will I give and devise all and every my copyhold messuages lands
tenements and hereditaments held of the Manors of Dorking Great Bookham and
Wistomble otherwise Westhumble and all other my copyhold hereditaments (if any)
situate within the said Parishes of Dorking Leatherhead Great Bookham Mickleham and
Newdigate or any other Parishes adjoining thereto respectively including any Copyhold
hereditaments situate within the five Parishes last aforesaid or any or either of them
which I may hereafter acquire by purchase or otherwise and of or to which I
may be seized or entitled at the time of my death Unto and to the use of the said
Charles Barker and Edgar Alfred Bowring their heirs and assigns according to the
custom or customs of the manor or manors of which the same respectively are holden
and at and under the rents fines heriots suits and services therefore respectively due and
of right accustomed Upon and for such trusts intents and purposes and with under
and subject to such powers provisoes and declarations as shall or may as nearly
correspond with and be similar to the uses trusts intents and purposes powers provisoes
and declarations hereinbefore limited and declared of and concerning the freehold
hereditaments and premises [hereinbefore devised in strict settlement as the different
tenure and quality of the premises] and the rules of law and equity will permit
but not so as to increase or multiply charges Provided always and I hereby
declare that it shall be lawful for the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred
Bowring and the surviver of them and the executors or administrators of such survivor
at any time or times during the continuance of the trusts of these presents to contract
with the Lord or Lords of any Manor whereof any of the said copyhold hereditaments
hereinbefore devised upon trusts in strict settlement shall be holden for the enfranchisement
upon such terms as may be thought reasonable of any such copyhold hereditaments
And I hereby declare that any money which may be required for the purpose of
effecting any such enfranchisement may be paid and raised out of the same monies and
in the like manner in all respects as hereinbefore authorized with respect to monies
payable for equality of exchange And that no mortgage advancing any money purporting
to be required for the purposes of such enfranchisement shall be bound to see that such
money is in fact required or that no more than is required is raised I give devise
and bequeath all and every the leasehold messuages lands tenements and
hereditaments situate within the said parishes of Dorking Leatherhead Great Bookham
Mickleham and Newdigate or any or either of them (whether holden for any life
or lives or for any term or terms of years absolute or determinable with any life or
lives) of or to which I am now or at the time of my death shall or may be
seized possessed or entitled for any estate or interest which I can devise or bequeath
by Will or of which I now have power to dispose by this my Will unto the said
Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred Bowring their executors administrators and assigns for
Page 34 [page 20 of the actual will]
all such estate term or interest as I shall have therein respectively at the time of
my decease Upon trust that they the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred
Bowring or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor
do and shall by and out of the rents profits and annual produce thereof pay
the rents and annual sums (if any) reserved in and by the leases thereof respectively
and observe and perform the covenants and conditions (if any) in the said Leases
respectively contained and on the part of the several Lessees or their respective executors
administraters or assigns to be observed or performed And subject thereto do and
shall stand and be seized or possessed of and interested in the said leasehold
premises upon and for such trusts intents and purposes and with under and subject
to such powers provisoes and declarations as shall or may as nearly correspond with
and be similar to the uses trusts intents purposes powers provisoes and declarations
hereinbefore limited declared and contained of and concerning the freehold hereditaments
and premises hereinbefore devised in strict settlement as the different tenure and quality
of the premises and the rules of law and equity will permit but not so as to
increase or multiply charges Provided always and I hereby declare my Will to
be that such of the said last mentioned hereditaments and premises as are holden
for any lease or leases for years shall not nor shall any undivided share thereof
vest absolutely in any person hereby made tenant in tail male or tail general
by purchase of the said freehold hereditaments and premises hereinbefore devised in
strict settlement unless such person or persons shall attain the age of twenty one years
but on his or her death under that age shall go devolve and remain in the
same manner as if they had been freehold of inheritance and had been included
in the devise in strict settlement hereinbefore contained Provided always And I
hereby declare my Will to be that the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred
Bowring and the surviver of them and the heirs exccutors or administrators respectively
of such survivor do and shall from time to time as occasion shall require in the
ordinary course of renewal use their and his best endeavors to obtain on the
accustomed reasonable terms a renewed lease or leases grant or grants of such of the
said leasehold or copyhold premises as shall be held for a lease or leases or grant
or grants for lives or years ordinarily renewable And do and shall from time to time
make do and execute all such surrenders acts deeds matters and things as shall be
requisite or expedient for obtaining such renewals And I hereby further declare that
the fines fees and expences of such renewals shall from time to time be defrayed by
and out of the premises of which such renewals are to be obtained respectively so and
in such manner that the several persons beneficially entitled to the same under or
by virtue of this my Will shall contribute to the expense of such renewals in the
proportions in which according to the Rules of the Courts of Equity they would be
bound to contribute in the absence of any provision in this my Will as to the
parties at whose expense such renewals are to be made Provided always and I
Page 35 [page 21 of the actual will]
hereby further declare that it shall be lawful for the said Charles Parker and Edgar
Alfred Bowring or the survivor of them or the excutors or administrators of such
surviver to pay or raise any money which shall be required for the renewal of any
such lease or grant as aforesaid out of the same monies and in the same manner
in all respects as monies payable for equality of exchange are hereinbefore authorised to
be paid and raised but subject nevertheless and without prejudice to the equities and
obligations inter so of the persons claiming under this my Will as to defraying the
fines fees and expenses of such renewals And I declare that no mortgagee
advancing any money purporting to be required for the purposes of such renewal
shall be bound to see that such money is wanted or that no more than is
wanted is raised I give devise and bequeath all the estates which at my
death shall be vested in me upon any trusts or by way of mortgage and of which I
shall at my death have power to dispose by Will unto my said Wife Mary Anne Cubitt
my said son George Cubitt and my Nephew Andrew Cuthell of Clapham Park in the
County of Surrey their heirs executors and administrators respectively according to the nature
thereof respectively Upon the trusts and subject to the equities of redemption which at my
death shall be subsisting or capable of taking effect therein respectively but so that
the money secured on such mortgages be taken as part of my personal estate
And as to all my Freehold copyhold and leasehold messuages tenements and
hereditaments not hereinbefore devised And also the stock in trade credits assets
and good will of the trade or business now carried on by me or which
shall be carried on by me at the at the time of my death And all and singular
other the residue and remainder of my estate and effects wheresoever situate and
of what nature or kind soever the same shall consist at the time of my
decease I give devise and bequeath the same and every part and parcel thereof
with the rights members and appurtenances respectively belonging thereto unto and to
the use of my said Wife Mary Anne my said Son George and my said
Nephew Andrew Cuthill their heirs executors administrators and assigns according to the
respective natures and legal qualities thereof but upon and for the trusts ends
intents and purposes hereinafter declared of and concerning the same And I hereby
direct and declare that my said Wife my said son George and the said
Andrew Cuthell and the survivors and survivor of them and the heirs executors
and administrators of such survivor and all other the trustees or trustee for the
time being acting in the execution of the said trusts ends intents and purposes
hereinafter declared (and all of whom are hereinafter for sake of brevity termed
“my hustees or trustee”) shall stand and be seized and possessed of and
bequeathed to them him and her Upon trust immediately after my decease
to enter into posession thereof or into the receipt of the rents issues and profits
dividends interest and annual produce thereof and at their his or her
Page 36 [page 22 of the actual will]
absolute and uncontrolled discretion either to retain the same in its
existing state at the time of my decease or from time to time or
at any time to convert the same into money or into property of any
other description And as respects more particularly any trade or business
carried on by me at the time of my decease and not only as regards
that portion thereof which may comprise the general business of a Builder
vizt the execution of works for other persons but also as regards the
speculative portion thereof which consists in the erection of houses and buildings
for the purpose of sale or letting Upon trust that my trustees or trustee
do and shall continue and carry on the same trade or business for and
during such time not exceeding twenty one years from the day of the
date of my decease as they he or she shall in their his or her
absolute and uncontrolled discretion think advisable and at the expiration
of the said period of twenty one years or at any earlier time and even
immediately after my decease if they he or she shall think it advisable
so to do, do and shall wind up the said business and realize and
liquidate the assets and liabilities thereof And I direct and declare that
my trustees or trustee shall during such time as they shall think
fit to carry on the said business have the full and complete control
and management thereof and shall have full power to employ all
such Clerks Foremen Servants Workmen Accountants and Agents at such
salaries wages or for such other compensation and upon such other terms
as my trustees or trustee shall think fit and in general to carry on and
conduct the said business according to the best of their his or her judgment
in such and the same free and unfettered manner as I myself might or
could have done if I had been living and acting therein and shall
have full power to enter into and make all such arrangements contracts or
agreements relative to or concerning the said business and in particular for
the erection or completion of any houses or buildings or for the execution
of any other works either upon or with reference to or in connection with
the lands hereditaments and premises hereby devised and bequeathed in trust
as aforesaid or any part or parts thereof or any other lands or premises to be
granted or demised to my trustees or trustee for the purpose or any buildings
erected or to be erected thereon respectively or otherwise as the case may be
as my trustees or trustee shall think fit and also shall have full power
to complete and carry out or to vary vacate or amend any arrangement in
contract or agrement which I may have made or entered into previously
to my decease or which my trustees or trustee may make or enter into
and to increase or diminish the concerns of the said business from time to
time or to discontinue any particular branch thereof as shall be deemed
Page 37 [page 23 of the actual will]
DL note – the image of this page was duplicated
advisable and to make all necessary purchases and do all other acts and
things for the purpose of carrying on the said business And I hereby declare
that in case my said Nephew Andrew Cuthell shall accept the trusts of these
presents and shall in addition thereto be willing to undertake the active
and immediate management of my said business either in all its branches
or in such branch or branches as it shall be deemed expedient to carry on
then and in such case it shall be lawful for the said Andrew Cuthell
to receive or retain to himself by way of salary for such management such
annual sum not exceeding Two thousand five hundred pounds per annum as
may be agreed on between himself and his Cotrustees or Cotrustee for the
time being And I declare that if at any time when my trustees or trustee
shall discontinue to carry on that branch of my said business which comprizes
the general business of a Builder my said Nephew Andrew Cuthell shall
be living and shall be disposed to carry on such branch of my said business
such last mentioned branch of the said business without paying anything
in respect thereof And I declare that in the event of the said Andrew
Cuthell being disposed to carry on such last mentioned branch of the said
business any arrangement that may be come to for the sale or transfer
to the said Andrew Cuthell of all or any portion of the stock in trade
book debts and other assets of the said branch of the said business or
for the said Andrew Cuthell taking upon himself all or any portion of
the liabilities of the said branch of the said business shall (provided such
arrangement shall be expressly sanctioned by two Cotrustees of the said Andrew
Cuthell) be in all respects valid and binding notwithstanding the circumstance
of the said Andrew Cuthell being a trustee under this my Will And I
further direct and declare that it shall be lawful for my trustees or trustee
at any time or times during the continuance of the trusts hereinafter
declared to sell and absolutely dispose of all or any of the messuages
lands hereditaments and other property devised and bequeathed in trust as
aforesaid (nevertheless as respects the freehold and leasehold premises at Kemp
Town and Clapham whereof trusts are hereinafter declared in favor of my
Wife during her widowhood subject to all and singular the trusts and
provisions relative to the same hereinafter contained) and any other messuages
lands hereditaments or property which for the time being shall be vested in
them him or her upon the trusts of this my Will with the rights
members privileges and appurtenances belonging thereto respectively or with any
other rights privileges or appurtenances which my trustees or trustee shall think
fit to annex thereto or to grant therewith either together or in parcels and
either by public sale or private contract or partly in one way and partly
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in another and subject to such special conditions of sale as to title or
otherwise as shall be thought advisable and either subject to any existing
mortgages charges leases or incumbrances affecting the same or not so subject
and with or without any qualification limitation or condition to any person
or persons whomsoever for such price or prices as to my trustees or trustee
shall seem reasonable with full liberty to buy in the same or any part
or parts thereof at any such public sale and again to offer the same for
sale in either of the ways aforesaid and again to buy in and again to
offer for sale as often as shall be thought fit And also from time to
time and as often as shall be thought advisable to annul or vary any
contract that may have been entered into with any person or persons for
the sale of any portion of such messuages lands hereditaments or other
property upon such terms as to my trustees or trustee shall seen expedient
and also to convey assign and assure the messuages lands hereditaments
and other property which shall be so sold as aforesaid unto the purchaser
or purchasers thereof his her or their heirs executors or administrators or as
he she or they shall direct and to receive the purchase monies arising from
such sales and give effectual discharges for the same And I hereby further
declare that it shall be lawful for my trustees or trustee from time to
time during the continuance of the said trusts as they he or she shall
think fit to raise any sum or sums of money on the security of all
or any part or parts of the messuages lands hereditaments or other property
real or personal for the time being vested in them him or her in trust
as aforesaid either by mortgage annuity or deposit of deeds or otherwise howsoever
and for that purpose to make do execute and perform all such conveyances
demises assignments bonds acts deeds matters and things as may be requisite
and necessary for securing the money which shall be borrowed to the satisfaction
of the Lender thereof And also from time to time to pay off all or any
of the said mortgages annuities or charges or all or any mortgages or other
charges which shall be in existence at the time of my death or instead
of paying off the same to substitute new or other mortgages or other securities
in lieu thereof as often as shall be deemed advisable And I hereby further
declare that it shall be lawful for my trustees or trustee when and so
often as they he or she shall think fit during the continuance of the
trusts hereinafter declared to demise and lease all or any part of the messuages
lands and hereditaments for the terme being vested in them him or her and
with the rights members privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging or with
any other rights privileges and appurtenances which my trustees or trustee shall
think fit to annex thereto or to grant or demise therewith to any person
or persons whomsoever for any term or number of years (not exceeding as
Page 39 [page 25 of the actual will]
regards such of the said hereditaments may be leasehold the terms of
years for which the same are held) or in possession or reversion or by way of
future interest and either at the best or most improved yearly rent or rents
that can reasonably be had or gotten for the same without taking any fine
premium or foregift in respect thereof or at a reduced rent and taking
a fine premium or foregift And also to demise or lease all or any part of
the said messuages lands and hereditaments with the rights privileges members
and appurtenances thereto belonging or with such other rights privileges and
appurtenances as my said trustees or trustee shall think fit to annex
thereto or to grant or demise therewith to any person or persons who shall
by willing to build thereon any house or other building or erection whatsoever
or to rebuild or repair any house or building which shall be then standing
on the hereditaments intended to be demised or to expend any sum of money
thereon in the improvement thereof with liberty to take down any building
then standing or being on the said hereditaments intended to be demised for
the purpose of rebuilding the same or carrying into effect the proposed improvement
for any term or number of years (not exceeding as regards such of the
said hereditaments as may be leasehold the terms of years for which the same
are held) either in possession or reversion or by way of future interest and either
at the best rent or rents that can under the circumstances be obtained for
the same or with or without taking any fine premium or foregift in respect
thereof with power to reserve a peppercorn rent or a portion only of the
full rent intended to be ultimately reserved by any such Lease for such a
portion of the term intended to be thereby granted as shall be thought fit
And further that it shall be lawful for my trustees or trustee during the
continuance of the trusts hereinafter declared to supply any person or persons
who shall have taken or agreed to take any ground for building purposes
or any house or other buildings for the purpose of rebuilding repairing or
improving the same with building materials or with any sum or sums
of money for the purpose of enabling or assisting such person or persons to
proceed with such building rebuilding repairing or improvement and to make all
such arrangements for the payment of the value of such building materials or
of the amount of any such advances of money with or without interest as the
said trustees or trustee shall think proper or if thought advisable to agree that
an additional rent shall be reserved in the lease or leases intended to be
granted of the hereditaments agreed to be leased to the person or persons to
whom such building materials or money shall have been supplied or advanced
as aforesaid in lieu and instead of payment in Cash for such building materials
or of repayment in Cash of any such advances And further that it shall be
lawful for my trustees or trustee at all times during the continuance of the
Page 40 [page 26 of the actual will]
Trusts hereinafter declared to demise and lease any portions of the messuages lands
and hereditaments for the time being vested in them him or her in trust
as aforesaid which shall be subject to any contract or contracts for granting a
lease or leases thereof entered into by me or my trustees or trustee either
according to the terms of such contract or contracts or with any deviations
therefrom And in particular to demise and lease any such portions as
aforesaid of the same messuages lands and hereditaments at an apportioned
part of the entire rent by any such contract agreed to be reserved for the
whole of the hereditaments thereby agreed to be demised or at an apportioned
part of the rent remaining unreserved in respect of any undemised portions of
the hereditaments therein comprised as the case may be and to divide and
apportion such entire rent or unreserved rent as the case may be equally
or unequally in anyway that may be thought fit And also to charge
one portion of the premises comprised in any Contract with the entire rent
thereby agreed to be reserved or remaining unreserved as the case may be
or with a portion thereof only in exoneration of any other portion of the same
premises and to demise such exonerated portion at a peppercorn rent and
generall to observe or vary modify release relax or qualify the terms and
conditions of any contract for granting a Lease whether entered into by me or by
my trustees or trustee or to grant a lease or leases of the premises
comprised therein either in accordance with the terms thereof or varying
therefrom And to make all such arrangements for granting a lease or leases
of the premises comprised in any contract and for facilitating the dealings and
transactions of the persons with whom the same shall have been entered into
or their representatives or the persons claiming through or under them as shall
by my trustees or trustee be thought reasonable and proper in such and the
same manner as though my trustees or trustee were absolutely and beneficially
interested in the hereditaments which shall be the subject matter of such
Contracts or Leases And in order to facilitate all such arrangements and to
simplify and strengthen the title of Lessees and others claiming the benefit
of any lease which shall have been granted by my trustees or trustee I
hereby declare that any contract for granting a lease or leases whether
entered into by me or by my trustees or trustee shall (so far as respects,
the rights and interests thereunder of all persons claiming by from or under me
or this my Will) not form any part of the title to the premises to be demised
by any lease or leases to be granted by my trustees or trustee And that
no lessee or lessees named in any lease or any person claiming through
or under such lessee or lessees shall be bound to enquire whether any previous
contract for granting the same existed nor be affected by express notice that
a previous contract did exist or that the lease under which he or they
Page 41 [page 27 of the actual will]
may claim is not in accordance with such contract but every lease
granted by my trustees or trustee under the powers hereinbefore or hereinafter
contained shall as regards the Lessee or Lessees and all persons claiming
under such Lessee or Lessees be deemed and good and valid Lease without
reference to any prior contract or other circumstance whatsoever And I
further declare that it shall be lawful for my trustees or trustee at all
times during the continuance of the trusts hereinafter declared (with or without
taking any valuable consideration for so doing) to release any covenants conditions
or provisions contained in any lease which shall have been granted by
me or by my trustees or trustee And to modify the terms of any lease And
to waive any breaches of covenant that may have taken place and to forego
any right of reentry thatmay have accrued and to grant licences to
do acts which may be contrary to the covenants or provisions of any lease And also
to accept the surrender of any lease either absolutely or for the purpose of redemising
the hereditaments therein comprised by one or more lease or leases at the same
or a different rent or at apportioned equal or unequal rents and for the same
covenants and provisions And also that it shall be lawful for my trustees or
trustee at all times during the continuance of the trusts hereinafter declared to
surrender any lease or leases which shall have been granted to me or to
them him or her and that either absolutely and with or without giving or receiving
any valuable consideration for so doing or for the purpose of having the premises
comprised in the surrendered lease or some portion thereof re-demised either by one
or more lease or leases at the same rent as that reserved by the surrendered lease or
at a different rent or rents or at apportioned equal or unequal rents and for the
same or a different term of years and under and subject to the same or different
covenants and provisions And also that it shall be lawful for my trustees or trustee
at all times during the continuance of the trusts of these presents to pull down and
remove all or any erections and buildings whatsoever erected or to be erected on any
portion of the hereditaments for the time being vested in my trustees or trustee (including
if my trustees or trustee shall think desirable all or any portion of my Workshops
Foundry Engine House and other buildings situate at Thames Bank in the County
of Middlesex) for the purpose of rebuilding or altering the same or for the purpose
of laying out the ground in a different manner and appropriating the same for
different purposes And to sell or dispose of all building materials or to apply
the same towards any intended new buildings or in carrying into effect the
contemplated alterations And also to lay out and appropriate any part or parts
of the lands and hereditaments for the time being vested in them him or her
In trust as aforesaid as and for a Street Square Circus Crescent Road Way Public
Place Sewer or Drain for the improvement of other parts of the messuages lands and
Page 42 [page 28 of the actual will]
hereditaments vested in them as aforesaid or for the convenience of the tenants or
Lessees thereof And to form the same or contribute thereto And either to include any such
Street Square Circus Crescent way public place sewer or drain in any conveyance
demise or assignment which shall be made or executed by my trustees or trustee
under the powers of this my Will or to give up and dedicate the same to the
public or to keep the same in repair at the charge of my Trust Estate or to
make any other arrangement relative thereto or to the repairs thereof according as my
trustees or trustee shall think fit And I hereby further declare that it shall be lawful
for my trustees or trustee at all times during the continuance of the trusts hereinafter
declared with and out of the monies which shall come to their his or her hands
under or by virtue of the trusts of this my Will to purchase for such price or prices
in money or other equivalent as shall be agreed on any messuages lands and hereditaments
whether freehold copyhold or leasehold which they he or she shall think advisable to
purchase And also to pay any sum or sums of money or to give any other
equivalent for the purchase or extinguishment of any rights privileges or powers belonging
to or excercisable by or supposed to belong to or to be exerciseable by any person or
persons and affecting or limiting or supposed to affect or limit the enjoyment of
any part of the messuages lands and hereditaments for the time being vested in my
trustees or trustee in trust as aforesaid and which my trustees or trustee shall think
it advisable to purchase or extinguish And also upon such terms and subject to
such arrangements as shall be deemed advisable to exchange or concur in the exchange
of any part or parts of the messuages lands and hereditaments for the time being vested
in my Trustees or Trustee in trust as aforesaid for any other messuages lands and
hereditaments of the same or different tenure or partly of one tenure and partly of
another And upon such exchange to pay or receive such sum of money or to stipulate
agree for such other equivalent as may be agreed on by way of equality or
compensation for such exchange And also to enter into any Contract or Agreement for and
to accept any lease or leases of any messuages lands and hereditaments at such rents
fines or royalties or rents and fines and royalties And for such terms of years
and under and subject to such covenants restrictions stipulations and agreements as such
trustees or trustee shall think advisable And also to purchase the remainder or reversion
expectant on the determination of any particular estate to which my trustees or trustee
may be entitled in any messuages lands and hereditaments And also to obtain the
release and extingiushment of any rent fine service covenant stipulation or agrement
proviso power or right of re-entry to which any part of my trust estate may from
time to time be subject And to redeem any land tax affecting the same And to
obtain the renewal of any lease under which any part of my Trust Estate may
from time to time be held and generally to act in and about the management
of the messuages lands hereditaments and other property for the time being vested
in my trustees or trustea as may be deemed by them him or her advisable
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and for the benefit of the parties beneficially entitled under the trusts hereinafter
declared And I hereby declare that when any lands messuages and hereditaments
shall have been acquired by my trustees or trustee by any of the means aforesaid such
lands messuages and hereditaments shall be subject in all things to the trusts powers
and provisions in this my Will contained in such and the same manner as
if the same had formed part of my residuary estate at the time of my death
and had been included in the devise and bequest thereof herinbefore contained
And that all such parts of the messuages lands and hereditaments from time to
time vested in my trustees or trustee as shall be disposed of by my trustees or
trustee under any of the powers in this my Will contained shall upon such disposition
being made and to the extent thereof be exonerated from the trusts powers and
provisions in this my Will contained And I direct and declare that it shall be
lawful for my trustees or trustee to pay any Call or Calls upon any shares or
stock which I may at the time of my decease hold in any Railway or other
Company and to accept or refuse any New Shares or Stock in any such Railway
or other Company which shall or may after my decease be allotted or appropriated
by such Railway or other Company in respect of any Shares or Stock therein
for the time being vested in my trustees or trustee and to pay any call or
calls to become due in respect of any New Shares or Stock which shall be
accepted by them him or her And also to abstain from paying any Call or
Calls on any such share or shares or stock as aforesaid (whether New or otherwise)
And also to forfeit any such shares or stock or to make any other arrangements
in relation to any such Shares or Stock which my trustees or trustee may think
advisable And I hereby declare that in enumerating the various acts which it
shall be lawful for my trustees or trustee to perform it is not my intention
to limit their powers to the performance of such specific acts only, it being my
Will and Intent and I hereby declare that my trustees or trustee shall have
as full and unqualified power to act and deal in about and with the messuages
lands hereditaments and other property whether real or personal and of what nature
or kind soever which for the time being shall be vested in them him or her
in carrying out and effectuating such arrangements as such trustees or trustee shall
think it prudent to carry out and effectuate as they he or she would have had
in case they he or she had been absolutely and beneficially entitled to and
interested in such messuages lands hereditaments and property estate and effects And
I hereby declaw that subject and without prejudice to all and singular the powers
and provisions hereinbefore contained and all which powers and provisions are intended
to be included and referred to in and by the phrase “General Power of Disposition
and management” hereinafter made use of my trustees or trustee shall stand and
be seized and possessed of and interested in All the said messuages lands hereditaments
and property estate and effects (hereinafter for the sake of brevity called “my Trust
Estate”) and the rents dividends interest profits of business and other yearly profits
and produce thereof Upon trust by with and out of the Corpus or Principal of my said
Page 44 [page 30 of the actual will]
Trust Estate to pay and discharge my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts
and also any mortgage debts or incumbrances which shall at the time of my death
be secured or charged upon the hereditaments herinbefore devised and bequeathed to uses
or upon trusts in strict settlement or any part thereof and that whether such
mortgage debts shall have been created by myself or not it being my wish
and intention that as between the persons entitled to the said hereditaments so
so devised and bequeathed in strict settlement as aforesaid and the parties beneficially
in strict settlement shall be absolutely exonerated and discharged from all mortgage
debts and other incumbrances (except any rent charge or quit rent charged thereon
or issuing thereout) which may exist at the time of my death And upon
further trust from time to time by and out of the said rents dividends interest
profits of business and other yearly profits and produce to retain and provide
for all expences of management rates taxes repairs insurance and other annual
outgoings and also satisfy and keep down the interest of any debts or
incumbrances for the time being affecting or charged upon my Trust Estate
And I further declare that subject and without prejudice to the said general
powers of disposition and management and after such payment and discharge
retainer and provision and satisfaction and keeping down as hereinbefore respectively
directed my trustees and trustee do and shall stand seized and possessed of
and interested in my said Trust Estate and the net income thereof Upon and for
the trusts intents and purposes and with under and subject to the powers provisoes agreements
and declarations hereinafter declared of and concerning the same respectively (that is to say
First As regards my said Wife Mary Anne Cubitt I direct and declare that
my said trustees or trustee for the time being shall out of the net income of my
trust estate pay unto my said Wife for her own absolute use and benefit until
the day on which she shall marry again a clear annuity or yearly sum of
Eight thousand pounds by equal quarterly payments at Lady day Midsummer day
Michaelmas day and Christmas day in each year and so in proportion for any
less period than a quarter of a year which shall or may elapse between the
last quarterly day of payment of the said Annuity And the day when the
same shall cease to be payable the first quarterly payment of the said Annuity
of Eight thousand pounds to be due and payable on such of the before mentioned
quarter days as shall occur next after the day of my decease notwithstanding
that an entire quarter of a year from the day of my decease shall not then
have elapsed And I further direct and declare that my trustees or trustee
do and shall stand seized and possessed of my freehold house known as
No 13 Lewes Crescent Kemp Jown in the Parish of Brighthelmstone Sussex together
with the Stables in the rear thereof (if any) and the appurtenances thereto
belonging and my leasehold dwellinghouse wherein I now from time to time
reside situate in Clapham Park in the Parish of Clapham in the
County of Surrey with the Coachhouses Stables outbuildings and
Page 44 [page 31 of the actual will]
Conservatories thereto belonging and the gardens and ornamental ground occupied
therewith containing together about ten acres (part whereof is included in the lease
of the said dwellinghouse and the remainder whereof has not yet been leased to me
by the Trustees of William Atkins Bowyer Esquire deceased under whom I hold the
same by agreement) In Trust for my said wife for her own us and benefit until
such time as she shall marry again And to permit her to occupy the same several
messuages coachhouses stables and premises or to receive and take the rents issues and
profits thereof as she shall think fit she my said wife payings the rent and observing
and performing all the Lessees Covenants and Agreements reserved and contained by
and in the Lease already granted under which the said house and premises at
Clapham and a portion of the ground occupied therewith are now held or reserved or
contained by and in the agreement for a Lease under which the remainder of the
said ground is now held or to be reserved and contained in any Lease under which
the said last mentioned ground shall be held in case a Lease thereof shall hereafter be
granted to me or to my Trustees or Trustee And I direct and declare that
if by reason of a Lease of such last mentioned ground not having been granted to me
in my lifetime my Trustees or Trustee shall take a Lease thereof then the amount
of rent to be reserved by such Lease shall be in the discretion of my Trustees or
Trustee but the same shall not exceed the sum of Fifty pounds per annum unless
my Trustees or Trustee shall be obliged to take the same at a larger rent under
the provisions of the Agreement under which the said ground is held with other
premises And I further direct that if the said freehold and leasehold
premises the Trusts whereof are hereinbefore declared in favor of my said wife
or any part thereof shall at the time of decease be subject to any mortgage
or mortgage my Trustees or Trustee shall when they he or she shall think it
expedient so to do pay off such mortgage or mortgages out of the corpus of my
trust estate or otherwise cause the said premises to be released therefrom and shall
in the meantime by and out of the net income of my trust estate pay and keep
down the interest payable in respect of such Mortgage or Mortgages And
I direct and declare that no Lease or Leases of the messuages lands and
hereditaments the trusts whereof are hereinbefore declared in favor of my said Wife
shall during such period as she shall be entitled to the possession or the rents
and profits thereof be granted by my Trustees or Trustee without the consent
in writing of my said wife And in case my said Wife shall depart this life
without having been married again but not otherwise I direct and declare
that the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of this my Will shall stand
seized and possessed of the said freehold and leasehold premises the Trusts
whereof are hereinbefore declared in her favor upon trust for all or such one
or more exclusively of the other or others of such of my children as shall be
living at the time of the death of my said Wife (if any such there shall be)
Page 45 [page 32 of the actual will]
in such parts shares and proportions and with under and subject to such powers
provisions and conditions and in such manner and form as my said Wife shall by
her last Will and Testament in writing duly executed according to law direct and
appoint or qive and devise the same And the said Trustees or Trustee shall
convey and assign the same accordingly And in default of such devise or testamentary
appointment or in case any such shall be made which shall not be a complete
disposition of the whole of the said messuages and hereditaments or in case
any such devise or appointment if made shall not take effect or shall not take full
effect then and in that case I direct and declare that the said messuages and
hereditaments over which such power of testamentary appointment is given as aforesaid
or such of them or such part or parts thereof as shall not pass by any such
devise or appointment shall (subject nevertheless and without prejudice to any partial
exercise of the said power of appointment which may have taken place) fall back
into and be deemed part of the Corpus or bulk of my Trust Estate and become
subject to all the General Trusts by this my Will declared of and concerning
my Trust Estate And I further direct that in case my said Wife shall
depart this life without having been married again but not otherwise my said
Trustees or Trustee do and shall as soon after her decease as may be convenient
levy and raise out of the Corpus of my Trust Estate two several sums of
Five thousand pounds and Twenty thousand pounds and do and shall pay
and apply the said sum of Five thousand pounds to such person or persons
upon and for such trusts ends intents and purposes and in such manner
parts shares and proportions as my said Wife shall by her last Will and
Testament in writing duty executed and in which she shall expressly refer
to this present power but not otherwise direct and appoint, it being my
Will and intention that no part of such sum of Five thousand pounds
shall pass by any mere General or Residuary bequest contained in such
Will And do and shall pay the said sum of Twenty thousand pounds unto
all and every or such ne or more exclusively of the other or others of the
children or grand children of my said wife who may be living at her decease
(if any such there shall be) in such parts shares and proportions and
with under and subject to such powers provisions and conditions and in such
manner and form as my said wife shall by her last Will and Testament
duly execute according to Law direct and appoint And I direct and
declare that the said two several principal sums of Five thoousand pounds
and Twenty thousand pounds respectively shall carry interest at the rate of Four
pounds per Cent per Annum from the day of the decease of my said Wife
which interest shall be payable by my Trustees or Trustee out of the
net income of my trust estate and shall be subject to the same powers of
direction and appointment as the said respective principal sums And I declare
Page 46 [page 33 of the actual will]
that in default of any direction or appointment by my said wife under the
powers hereinbefore in that behalf contained or so far as any such direction
or appointment shall not extend the said principal sums of Five thousand
pounds and Twenty thousand pounds and the interest thereon respectively shall
not be raiseable or raised but the same respectively shall continue and remain
part of my Trust Estate and the income thereof respectively and be subject to the
General Trusts hereby declared of and concerning my said Trust Estate and the
income thereof And I direct and declare that in case my said wife shall
marry again my Trustees or Trustee shall thenceforth during the remainder
of her natural life pay or cause to be paid into her own hands or with the
hands of such person or persons as the said Trustees or Trustee shall think
advisable and in either case for her use and benefit an Annuity or clear
yearly sum of Six hundred pounds such Annuity to be payable at such
periods and in such proportions as to the Trustees or Trustee shall seem most
for the benefit of my said wife and the same to commence and be calculated
from the day of the marriage of my said Wife and to be paid up to the day
of her death with a proportional part of the said Annuity for so much
of the current year as shall have elapsed at the day of her death And I
hereby declare that the receipt in writing of my said Wife or of the persons
to whom the same shall be paid at the discretion of my Trustees or Trustee
as aforesaid for the said Annuity of Six hundred pounds or any part thereof
when the same shall have accrued due shall alone be good and effectual
discharges to the persons or person paying the same for so much money
as in such receipts shall be acknowledged to have been received and that such
Annuity shall not be subject to the debts control or interference of any
husband of my said wife nor shall my said wife have power in any
manner to anticipate sell charge or dispose of the same or the ???ing in
payments thereof during her coverture by any future husband And I direct
and declare that it shall be lawful for my Trustees or Trustee during such time
as my said Wife shall be entitled to the rents and profits of the said Freehold
and Leasehold premises situate at Kemp Town and Clapham aforesaid the
Trusts wheerof are hereinbefore declared in favor of my said Wife during
Widowhood at the request in writing of my said Wife but not otherwise
to sell and absolutely dispose of the same premises or any of them or any
part thereof in such manner and for such sum or sums as shall be
thought advisable and to lay out the produce of any such sale or sales
in the purchase of any other dwellinghouse or dwellinghoses in any part of
England or Wales with or without gardens land and buildings thereto that
my said Wife shall wish to have purchased And I declare that subject
to the request and wishes of my said Wife hereinbefore made necessary all and
Page 47 [page 34 of the actual will]
every the powers and provisions hereinbefore contained with respect to the sale
and purchase of property generally by my Trustees or Trustee or in relation
thereto or connected therewith shall apply to and be applicable to the sales
and purchases lastly hereinbefore referred to And I declare that the monies
arising from such Sale shall until the same shall be laid out in the
purchase of other property be invested by the said Trustees or Trustee in their his or
her names or name in the Parliamentary Stocks or public funds of Great
Britain or at interest on Government or Real or leasehold securities in England
or Wales and that the stocks funds and securities to arise from such intermediate
investment as aforesaid And also all such other dwelling house or houses to be
purchased as aforesaid shall be subject to all and every the trusts and provisions
hereinbefore declared with reference to the said freehold and leasehold premises at
Kemp Town and Clapham aforesaid or as near thereto as circumstances will permit-
Secondly I direct and declare that my Trustees or Trustee do and
shall by and out of the corpus of my said Trust Estate levy and raise and
pay at the respective times hereinafter in that behalf mentioned the respective
Sums hereinafter specified as and for the respective portions of my four daughters
hereinafter named and do and shall in the meantime and until such respective
portions shall become raiseable and payable by and out of the net income of my
Trust Estate make such intermediate annual payments in lieu of interest on
such portions respectively as are hereinafter respectively mentioned (that is to say)
For the portion of my daughter Ann the sum of Forty thousand pounds to be
raised and paid on the First day of January One thousand eight hundred
and sixty with the following intermediate annual payments in lieu of
interest on the said portion namely One thousand pounds per annum
from the date of my death until the first day of January One thousand eight
hundred and fifty seven and One thousand five hundred pounds per annum from
the First day of January one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven to the
First day of January One thousand eight hundred and sixty – For the
portion of my daughter Mary the wife of the said Charles Parker the Sum of
Thirty four thousand pounds to be raised and paid on the First day of January
One thousand eight hundred and sixty with the following intermediate annual
payments in lieu of interest on such last mentioned portion namely Seven
hundred pounds per Annum from the day of my death to the First day of January
One thousand eight hundred and fifty seven and One thousand two hundred pounds
per annum from the First day of January one thousand eight hundred and
fifty seven to the First day of January One thousand eight hundred and sixty
For the portion of my daughter Sophia the wife of the said Edgar Alfred Bowring
the sum of Twenty eight thousand pounds to be raised and paid on the First
day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty five with the following
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intermediate annual payments in lieu of interest on such last mentioned portion
namely Five hundred pounds per Annum from the day of my death until the
First day of January One thousand eight hundred and sixy and One thousand
pounds per Annum from the First day of January One thousand eight hundred
and sixty until the First day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty
five – And for the portion of my daughter Lucy the sum of Forty thousand pounds
to be raised and paid on the First day of January One thousand eight hundred
and seventy with the following intermediate annual payments in lieu of interest
on such last mentioned portion namely Five hundred pounds per annum from the
day of my death until the First day of January One thousand eight hundred
and sixty One thousand pounds per Annum from the First day of January
one thousand eight hundred and sixy until the First day of January one thousand
eight hundred and sixty five and One thousand five hundred pounds per
Annum from the First day of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty five
until the First day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy And
I further direct and declare that all the intermediate annual payments in
lieu of interest shall be payable by equal quarterly payments on the First day
of January, the first day of April, the first day of July and the first day of
October in every year, the fast quarterly payment to be due and payable without
deduction or apportionment on such of the same days as shall happen next after my
decease or if I shall die on some one of such quarterly days then the first quartely
payment to be due and payable without deduction or apportionment on the day
of my decease And to avoid doubt I hereby declare that every quarterly
payment falling due on the First day of January in any year shall be deemed
to be due in respect of the Quarter then just elapsed and shall to made according
to the rate of annual payment prescribed in reference to the year then just ended
And I further direct and declare that the said respective portions hereinbefore
expressed to be provided for my said four daughters shall be held by Trustees
and Trustee Upon and for the Trusts intents and purposes and with under
and subject to the powers provisoes declarations and agreements hereinafter expressed
and declared of and containing the same, that is to say,Upon Trust that my
Trustees or Trustee do and shall as and when the same portions respectively
shall become raiseable and payable lay out and invest the same portions
respectively in their his or her names in or upon any of the Parliamentary
Stocks or Public Funds of Great Britain or at interest upon Government or
Real or Leasehold Securities in England or Wales but not in Ireland or ???
upon the Stocks Funds Shares Loan Notes Debentures Mortgages or Securities of
any Company incorporated by Act of Parliament or of any Foreign Government
or State, with power from time to time to vary and transpose such stocks
Funds or securities into or for others of the same or a like nature at their
Page 49 [page 36 of the actual will]
his or her discretion but so nevertheless that in every case where any person
who shall for the time being be beneficially entitled under the trusts hereinafter
declared to the income of the stocks funds and securities to be invested or
varied shall be of full age such investment or variation shall be made only
with the consent in writing of such person and which consent shall as
respects any such person bring a ?feine? covert be effective notwithstanding her
Covertur And upon further Trust that my Trustees und Trustee do and shall
during the life of each such daughter pay the interest dividends and annual proceeds
of the stocks funds and securities in or upon which her portion may be laid out or
invested to such daughter for her sole and separate use independently and exclusively
of her husband (if any) for the time being and of his debts controul interference
and engagements But to nevertheless that such daughter shall not have power to deprive
herself of the benefit thereof by any disposition thereof by sale mortgage charge or
otherwise in the way of anticipation and the receipts of each such daughter whether
covert or sole to be alone good and effectual discharges for the said interest dividends
and annual proceeds and from and after the death of each such daughter do and
shall stand possessed and interested of and in her said portion and the stocks
funds and securities in or upon which the same may be laid out or invested and
the interest dividends and annual proceeds thereof in trust for all and every or
such one or more exclusively of the others or other of the children or remoter
issue of such daughter (such issue to be born in the lifetime of such daughter)
and with such provision for their respective maintenance and education or advancement
and at such age day or time or respective ages days or times and if more than
one in such parts shares and proportions and with such annual sums of money
and limitations over for the benefit of the said children or remoter issue aforesaid
or some or one of them and upon such conditions with such restrictions and
in such manner as such daughter whether covert or sole shall by any deed
or deeds duly executed or by her last Will and Testament in writing or any
Codicil or Conticils thereto or any writing or writings in the nature of or purporting
to be a Will or Codicil at any time or times direct or appoint and in default
of and until such direction or appointment and so far as any such direction or
appointment shall not extend I trust for all and every the children and
child whether born in my lifetime or after my decease of such daughter who
being a Son or Sons shall attain the age of Twenty one years or being a
daughter or daughters shall attain that age or marry under that age with
the consent of her or their Guardians or Guardian for the time being such
Children if mor ethan one to take in equal shares as tenants in common
and if there shall be but one such child the whole to be in trust for such
one child Provided always and I hereby declare that no child of such daughter
who or whose issue shall take any share of stocks funds and securities under or
Page 50 [page 37 of the actual will]
by virtue of any direction or appointment to be made in pursuance of the
power hereinbefore in that behalf contained shall have or be entitled to any
further share of the same stocks funds and securities of which in such direction
or appointment shall have been made as aforesaid without bringing the share
or shares appointed to him or her or to his or her issue into hotchpot
and accounting for the same accordingly And I declare that if there shall
be no child of such my daughter who being a Son shall attain the age of
twenty one years or being a daughter shall attain that age or marry under that
age with such consent as aforesaid then after the decease of such my daughter
and such default or failure of children as aforesaid which shall last happen
my Trustees or Trustee shall stand possessed of and interested in the said
portion of such my daughter and the stocks funds and securities in or upon
which the same may be laid out or invested and of and in the interest dividends
and annual produce thereof or so much thereof respectively as shall not have
become vested or been applied in pursuance of any appointment made by such
my daughter under the power of appointment in favor of children or remoter
issue hereinbefore contained Upon and for such trust intents and purposes and
with under and subject to such powers provisoes and declarations at such my
daughter whether covert or sole shall by her last Will and Testament in writing
or any Codicil or Codicils thereto or any writing or writings in the nature of
or purporting to be a Will or Codicil at any time or times direct or appoint
And that in default of and until such last mentioned direction or appointment
And so for as any such direction or appointment shall not extend the portion
of each such daughter and the stocks funds and securities in or upon which
the same may be laid out and invested and the dividends interest and annual
produce thereof shall sink into the residue of my said Trust estate and be
subject to all and singular the trusts and provisions hereby declared of and
concerning my said trust estate Provided always and I hereby declare my
Will to be that notwithstanding all or any of the trusts hereinbefore declared
concerning the portion of each of my said daughters in favor of her children it
shall be lawful for each of my said daughters when married and notwithstanding
her coverture (but as respects either of my said daughters Ann and Lucy, not if
such daughter shall in my lifetime have married without my consent or shall
after my decease and in my wife’s lifetime have married without the consent of
my said Wife or shall after the decease of both myself and my said wife
have married whilst under age and without the concent of her Guardians or
Guardian for the time being by her last Will and Testament in writing or any
writing or writings in the nature of or purporting to be a Will or Codicil to
direct or appoint that all or any part of the interest dividends or annual proceeds
of her portion or of the stocks funds and securities in or upon which the same may
Page 51 [page 38 of the actual will]
be laid out or invested shall immediately from and after her decease be paid
to her husband during his life or for any less period And I declare my
Will to be that the respective intermediate annual papments hereinbefore directed
to be made in lieu of interest on the respective portions hereinbefore expressed
to be provided for my said daughters shall be paid and applied to the same
persons for the same purposes and in the same manner in all respects as
of the said respective portions had by this my Will been made raiseable
and payable immediately after my decease and as if the said annual payments in lieu of interest had in fact been interest dividends and annual proceeds
arising from the respective stocks funds and securities whereon such portions are
hereinbefore respectively directed to be laid out and invested Provided always
and I hereby declare that in case either or both of my sid daughters Ann
and Lucy shall in my lifetime marry without my consent or shall after my
decease and in my wife’s lifetime marry without the consent of my said wife
or shall after the decease of both myself and my said wife marry whilst
under age and without the consent of her or their guardian or guardians
for the time being then and in such case and as from the date of my
decease or as from the date or respective dates of such marriage or respective
marriages the intermediate annual payments hereinbefore directed to be made in lieu
of interest on the portion or respective portions of the daughter or daughters
so marrying shall be reduced to one half of the amount hereinbefore named
and such reduced annual payments only shall thenceforth and until the same
shall cease be paid and applied to the same persons for the same purposes
and in the same manner in all respects as the annual payments originally
directed to be made would under the Clause last hereinbefore contained have been
payable or applicable And I hereby further declare my Will to be that in
case any one or more of my said daughters shall die in my lifetime leaving
children or a child who shall be living at my decease then and in such case
and notwithstanding such decease or deceased the portion or portions and annual
payments in lieu of interest thereon respectively hereinbefore expressed to be provided
for such daughter or daughters shall not be deemed to have lapsed but the said
portion or portions shall be raised at the time or respective times hereinbefore
specified for raising the same respectively and shall together with the annual
payments in lieu of interest thereon respectively be held and applied upon and for
such trusts intents and purposes and with under and subject to such powers
provisoes and declarations upon for with under and subject to which the
same are hereby directed to be held and applied from and after the deceased or respective
deceases of such daughter or daughters but not so as to give to any Deed or
Testamentary Instrument executed by any such daughter in her lifetime the
operation or effect of a valid exercise of any power of appointment hereinbefore
or in reference to the portion herein before expeiped
given to such daughter over or in reference to the portion hereinbefore expressed
Page 52 [page 39 of th actual will]
to be provided for her –
Thirdly – I direct and declare that my Trustees and Trustee do
and shall by and out of the corpus of my said trust estate levy and raise and
pay at the respective times hereinafter mentioned for the absolute use and
benefit of my two younger Sons William and Charles respectively (but as regards
my Son Charles provided he shall attain the age of twenty one years) the
respective sums hereafter respectively mentioned and also do and shall in the
meantime and until such sums shall become raisable and payable by and out
of the net income of my trust estate make such intermediate annual payments
in lieu of interest on such sums as hereinafter respectively mentioned (that is
to say) for the absolute use and benefit of my said Son William his executors
administrators and assigns the sum of Eighty thousand pounds, One moiety
thereof to be raised and payable on the First day of January one thousand
eight hundred and sixty five – Twenty thousand pounds further part thereof
to be raised and payable on the First day of January one thousand eight
hundred and seventy and Twenty thousand pounds the residue thereof to
be raised and payable on the First day of January one thousand eight
hundred and seventy five with the following intermediate annual payments
in lieu of interest until the said first moiety of the said sum of Eighty
thousands pounds shall be raised, namely, One thousand pounds per annum
from the day of my decease until the first day of January One thousand eight
hundred and sixty and One thousand five hundred pounds per annum from
the First day of January one thousand eight hundred and Sixty five and for
the absolute use and benefit of my said Son Charles his executors administrators
and assigns (provided he shall attain the age of twenty one years but not
otherwise) the sum of Eighty thousand pounds One moiety thereof to be raised
and payable on the First day of January one thousand eight hundred and
seventy five Twenty thousand pounds further part thereof to be raised and
payable on the First day of January one thousand eight hundred and eighty
and Twenty thousand pounds the residue thereof to be raised and payable
on the First day of January one thousand eight hundred and eighty five
with the following intermediate annual payments in lieu of interest until the
said first moiety of the said Sum of Eighty thousand pounds shall be raised
namely Five hundred pounds per annum from the time of his attaining the
age of twenty one years until the First day of January one thousand eight
hundred and sixty five, One thousand pounds per annum from the First day
of January one thousand eight hundred and sixty five to the First day of
January One thousand eight hundred and seventy and and One thousand five hundred
pounds per Annum from the First day of January one thousand eight hundred and
Page 53 [page 40 of the actual will]
seventy to the First day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy
five And I hereby direct and declare that the said annual payments
in lieu of interest shall be payable in the same quarterly days and under and
subject to the same provisions and declarations and in the same manner in
all respects as I have hereinbefore directed and declared with respect to the
annual payments hereinbefore directed to be made in lieu of interest in respect
of the portions hereinbefore provided for my four daughters And I hereby
further direct and declare that in the event of my said wife dying
before my said Son Charles shall have attained the age of twenty one years
my Trustees or Trustee do and shall during his minority by and out of
the net income of my trust estate pay and apply such sum or sums as
my Trustees or Trustee shall think proper for or towards the maintenance and
education of such son but not exceeding the amount of Three hundred and
fifty pounds her annum –
Fourthly. I direct and declare that my Trustees or Trustee do
and shall by and out of the Corpus of my said Trust Estate levy and raise
and pay unto my Brother Lewis Cubitt his excutors administrators or assigns
the sum of Ten thousand pounds, the same to be raiseable and payable at the
expiration of two years after my decease And also do and shall in the mean
and payable by and out of the net income of my trust estate pay unto
my said Brother Lewis his executors administrators or assigns an Annuity of
Five hundred pounds in lieu of interest on the said sum of Ten thousand
pounds which last mentioned Annuity shall be payable on such quarterly
days and with such proportionate part and in such manner in all respects
as are and is hereinbefore prescribed with respect to the Annuity of Eight
thousand pounds hereinbefore directed to be paid to my said Wife
Fifthly – I direct and declare that my said Trustees and Trustee
do and shall as or by way of portions or provisions for my two Neices
Ellen Cubitt and Agnes Cubitt the daughters of my said Brother Lewis Cubitt
levy and raise by and out of the Corpus of my trust estate at the expiration
of Five years after my decease two severall sums of Two thousand pounds
each and do and shall in the meantime and until such two several sums
of Two thousand pounds shall become raiseable and payable pay out of the
net income of my trust estate two several Annuities of One hundred pounds each
as or in lieu of interest on the said two several sums of Two thousand pounds
and which two several Annuities shall be payable on such quarterly days
and with such proportionate parts and in such manner in all respects as
are and is hereinbefore prescribed with respect to the Annuity of Eight thousand
Pounds hereinbefore directed to be paid to my said Wife And I direct
Page 54 [page 41 of the actual will]
and declare that the portions hereinbefore provided for my said Nieces
shall be held by my Trustees or Trustee and the said Annuities in lieu of
interest thereon shall be paid and applied by them him or her Upon and
for such Trusts for Investment and other Trusts for the benefit of my said
Nieces respectively and their respective children, issue and husbands, and with
under and subject to such powers of appointment and other powers provisoes
declarations and agreements as are hereinbefore expressed and declared with
reference to the portions hereinbefore expressed to be provided for my said
daughters and with reference to the annual payments in lieu of interest on
such respective portions And that in the same manner in all respects as if
the clauses hereinbefore contained relating to my said daughters portions
and to the annual payments in lieu of interest thereon from and commencing
with the Clause for investment and down to and including the Clause
terminating at the thirty ninth – Sheet of this my Will and which Clause
is immediately followed by this word “Thirdly” had (with the exception of the
Clauses or passages applicable only to my daughters Ann and Lucy been
here repeated word for word substituting only for the words “daughter” or
“daughters” where they occur in such clauses the words “niece” or “nieces” as
the case may require-
Sixthly – I direct and declare that my Trustees or Trustee do and
shall as or by way of provisions for my two nephews John Cuthell and the
said Andrew Cuthell the Sons of my deceased Sister Mary Agnes Cuthell
by and out of the Corpus of my trust estate levy and raise at the
respective times hereinafter mentioned the respective sums hereinafter specified
that is to say the sum of Four thousand pounds at the expiration of Three
years from the date of my decease as a provision for my said Nephew John
Cuthell and the sum of Twenty thousand pounds at the expiration of Ten years
after my decease as a provision for my said nephew Andrew Cuthell And
I direct that my Trustees and Trustee do and shall in the meantine and
until the said Sum of Four thousand pounds shall become raiseable and
payable by and out of the net income of my trust estate pay the annual sum
of One hundred pounds as and for or in lieu of interest on the said sum of
Four thousand pounds which last mentioned annual sum shall be payable
on such quarterly days and with such proportionate part and in such manner
in all respects as are and is hereinbefore prescribed with respect to the Annuity
of Eight thousand pounds hereinbefore directed to be paid to my said Wife
And I direct that my Trustees and Trustee shall as and when the same
respectively shall become raiseable and payable hold the said respective sums of
Four thousand pounds and Twenty thousand pounds hereinbefore directed to be
raised as provisions for my said two nephews Upon and for the trusts intents
Page 55 [page 42 of the actual will]
purposed and with under and subject to the powers provisoes declarations and
agreements hereinafter expressed and declared of and concerning the same (that
is to say) Upon Trust that my Trustees or Trustee do and shall as and
when the same principal sums shall become raiseable and payable lay out and
invest the same respectively in their his or her names or name in or upon
any of the Parliamentary Stocks or Public funds of Great Britain or at interest
upon Government or Real or Leasehold securities in England or Wales but not in
Ireland or in or upon the Stocks funds shares loan notes debentures mortgages or
Securities of any Company incorporated by Act of Parliament or of any Foreign
Government or State with power from time to time to vary and transfer such
Stocks Funds or Securities into or for others of the same or a like nature at their
his or her discretion but so nevertheless that in every case where any person
who shall for the time being be beneficially entitled under the Trusts hereinafter
declared to the income of the Stocks funds and securities to be invested or
varied shall be of full age such investment or variation shall be made
only with the consent in writing of such person And upon further trust
that my Trustees or Trustee do and shall pay the dividends interest and
annual proceeds of the Stocks funds and securities to arise from each
provision hereinbefore expressed to be made for each of my said Nephew unto each
such nephew during his life or until he shall be outlawed or be found and
declared a Bankrupt or become an Insolvent Debtor within the meaning of
some Act of Parliament for the relief of Insolvent Debtors or shall assign
charge or incumber the said dividends interest and annual proceeds or some
part thereof or shall do some act or thing whereby the same or some part
thereof might if the same belonged absolutely to such nephew become vested in
or payable to some other person or persons and from and after the death of
each such nephew or other sooner determination of the said trust hereinbefore
declared for his benefit do and shall pay the dividends interest and annual proceeds
of the Stocks funds and securities to arise from the provision hereinbefore expressed
to be made for him unto the surviving wife (if any) of each such Nephew
and her assigns during her life or until she shall marry again and from
and after her death or second marriage whichever event shall first happen do
and shall stand posessed of and interested in as well the stocks funds and
securities to arise from the provision hereinbefore expressed to be made for each
of my said nephews as the dividends interest and annual proceeds thenceforth to
accrue due for the same In Trust for all and every or such one or more
exclusively of the others or other of the children of such nephew with such
provision for their respective maintenance and education or advancement at such
age day or time or respective ages days or times and if more than one in such
parts shares and proportions and with such annual sums of money and
Page 56 [page 43 of the actual will]
limitations over for the benefit of the said children or some or one of them
and upon such conditions with such restrictions and in such manner as such
nephew shall notwithstanding the previous determination of the trust hereinbefore
declared for his benefit by any deed or deeds duly executed or by his last Will
and Testament or any Codicil or Codicils thereto at any time or times direct or
appoint And in default of and until such direction or appointment and so far
as any such direction or appointment shall not extend In Trust for all and
every the children and child whether born in my lifetime or to be born after
my decease of such nephew who being a Son or Sons shall attain the age of twenty
one years or being a daughter or daughters shall attain that age or marry
under that age with – the consent of her or their Guardian or Guardians for the
time being such children if more than one to take in equal shares as tenants
in common And if there shall be but one such child the whole to be in trust
for such only child Provided always and I hereby declare that no child or
children of either of my said nephews taking any share of stocks funds and
securities under or by virtue of any direction or appointment to be made by his
her or their father in pursuance of the power hereinbefore in that behalf
contained shall have or be entitled to any further share of the same stocks
funds and securities of which no such direction or appointment shall have
been made as aforesaid without bringing his her or their appointed share or
shares into hotchpot and accounting for the same accordingly And I declare
that if there shall be no child of such my newphew who being a Son shall
attain the age of twenty one years or being a daughter shall attain that
age or marry under that age with such consent as aforesaid then from and
after the decease of such nephew or other sooner determination of the trust
hereinbefore declared for his benefit And such default or failure of children
my Trustees and Trustee shall stand possessed of and interested in the stocks
funds and securities arising from the provision hereinbefore made for such
nephew and the interest dividends and annual produce thereof Upon Trust
for such Nephew his executors administrators and assigns absolutely And I
hereby declare and direct that the said annual sum of One hundred pounds
hereinbefore directed to be paid in lieu of interest on the said sum of four
thousand pounds hereby provided for my nephew John Cuthell shall be paid
and applied to the same persons for the same purposes and in the same
manner in all respects as if the said sum of Four thousand pounds had
by this my Will been made raiseable and payable immediately after my
decease and the said sum of One hundred pounds had in fact been
interest dividends and annual produce of stocks funds and securities arising
from the investment of the said sum of Four thousand pounds pursuant
to the trust for investment hereinbefore in that behalf contained And I
Page 57 [page 44 of the actual will]
hereby further declare that in case either of my said Nephews shall die in my
lifetime leaving either a wife or or more child or children living at my
decease then and in such case and not withstanding the decease of such nephew
the provision hereinbefore expressed to be made for him shall not be deemed
to have lapsed but the same shall be raised at the time hereinbefore specified
for raising the same And the same together with as respects the provision made
for my nephew John Cuthell any annual payments in lieu of interest shall be
held and applied upon and for the trusts intents and purposes and with
under and subject to the powers provisoes declarations and agreement upon for
with under and subject to which the same are hereby directed to be held
and applied from and after the decease of such nephew but not so as to give
to any deed or testamentary instrument executed by any such nephew in his
lifetime the operation or effect of a valid exercise of any power of appointment
hereinbefore given to such nephew ever or in reference to the provision hereinbefore
expressed to be made for him –
Seventhly I direct and declare that my Trustees and Trustee
do and shall at and by way of provision for my wife’s Sister Martha Bayley
by and out of the corpus of my Trust Estate levy and raise at the expiration
of Five years from the day of my decease the sum of Four thousand pounds
and do and shall in the meantime and until the said sum of Four thousand
pounds shall become raiseable and payable by and out of the net income of
my said trust estate pay the annual sum of Two hundred pounds as for or
in lieu of interest on the said sum of Four thousand pounds which last
mentioned annual sum shall be payable on such quarterly days and with such
proportionate parts and in such manner in all respects as are and is hereinbefore
prescribed with respect to the Annuity of Eight thousand pounds hereinbefore directed
to be paid to my said Wife And I direct and declare that my trustees
and trustee do and shall lay out and invest the said Sum of Four
thousand pounds as and when the same shall become payable in like manner
as is hereinbefore prescribed with reference to the portions hereinbefore expressed to
be provided for my four daughters nevertheless with the consent of the said Martha
Bayley or other the person for the time beneficially entitled as hereinbefore prescribed
with reference to the stocks funds and securities arising from the portions
expressed to be provided for my said daughters And do and shall pay the
dividends interest and annual proceeds f the stocks funds and securities to
arise from the said sum of Four thousand pounds unto the said Martha Bayley
until she shall be found and declared a Bankrupt or become an Insolvent
Debtor within the meaning of some Act of Parliament for the relief of Insolvent
Debtors or shall assign charge or incumber the said dividends interest and
or some past thereof or shall do some act
annual proceeds or some part thereof or shall do some act or thing as hereby
Page 58 [page 45 of the actual will]
the same or some part thereof might if the same belonged absolutly to the said
Martha Bayley become vested in or payable to some other person or persons
And from and after the death of the said Martha Bayley or other the sooner
determination of the trust hereinbefore declared for her benefit do and shall stand
possessed and interested of and in the said sum of Four thousand pounds and
the stocks funds and securities in or upon which the same may be laid out or
invested and the dividends interest and annual proceeds thereof In Trust for all
and every or such are or more exclusively of the others or other of the
children of the said Martha Bayley with such provision for their respective maintenance
and education and advancement at such age day or time or respective ages days
or times and if more than one in such parts shares and proportions and with
such annual sums of money and limitations over for the benefit of the said
children or some or one of them and upon such conditions with such
restrictions and in such manner as the said Martha Bayley whether covert or
sole and notwithstanding the previous determination of the trust hereinbefore declared
for her benefit shall by any deed or deeds duly executed or by her last Will
and Testament in writing or any Codicil or Codicils thereto or any writing
or writings in the nature of or purpoerting to be a Will or Codicil at any time
or times direct or appoint And in default of and until such direction or
appointment and so far as any such direction or appointment shall not extend
In trust for all and every the children and child (whether born in my lifetime
or to be born after my decease of the said Martha Bayley who being a
Son or Sons shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a daughter
daughters shall attain that age or marry under that age with the
consent of her or their guardian or guardians for the time being such
children if more than one to take in equal shared as tenants in common
quarded for the time being such
And if there shall be but one such child the whole to be in trust for such
one child Provided always and I hereby declare that no child of the
said Martha Bayley who shall take any share of stocks funds or securities
under or by virtue of any direction or appointment made by the said Martha
Bayley shall be entitled to any further or other share of the same stocks funds
and securities of which no such direction or appointment shall have been
made as aforesaid without bringing his her or their appointed share or shares
into hotchpot and accounting for the same accordingly And I declare
that if there shall be no child of the said Martha Bayley who being a Son
shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a daughter shall attain
that age or marry under that age with such consent as aforesaid then from
and after the decease of the said Martha Bayley or other the sooner determination
of the trust hereinbefore declared for her benefit and such default or failure of
children as aforesaid my Trustees or Trustee shall stand possessed of and interested
Page 59 [page 46 of the actual will]
in the said sum of Four thousand pounds and the stocks funds and securities
in or upon which the same may be laid out or invested and of and in the
interest dividends and annual proceeds thereof Upon and for such trusts interests
and purposes and with under and subject to such powers provisoes and
declarations as the said Martha Bayley whether covert or sole shall by her
last Will and Testament in writing or any Codicil or Codicils thereto or any writing
or writings in the nature of or purporting to be a Will or Codicil at any
time or times direct or appoint and that in default of and until such last
mentioned direction or appointment and so far as any such direction or
appointment shall not extend the said sum of Four thousand pounds and the
stocks funds and securities in or upon which the some may be laid out or
invested and the dividends interest and annual proceeds thereof shall sink into
the residue of my Trust Estate and be subject to the general trusts and
provisions by this my Will declared of and concerning my Trust Estate And
I hereby direct and declare that the said annual sum of Two hundred
pounds hereinbefore directed to be paid in lieu of interest on the said sum of Four
thousand pounds shall be paid and applied to the same persons and in the
same manner in all respects as if the said sum of Four thousand pounds had
by this my Will been made raiseable or payable immediately after my decease
And as if the said annual sum of Two hundred pounds had in fact been
interest dividends and annual produce arising from stocks funds and securities
produced by the investment of the said sum of Four thousand pounds
And I hereby further declare that if the said Martha Bayley shall
die in my lifetime leaving any child or children who shall be living at my
death then and in such case and notwithstanding the decease of the said Martha
Bayley the said sum of Four thousand pounds and the said annuity of Two
hundred pounds hereinbefore directed to be paid in lieu of interest thereon shall not
be deemed to have lapsed but the same shall be raised at the time hereinbefore
specified for raising the same and be held and applied upon and for such
trusts intents and purposes and with under and subject to such powers
provisoes and declarations upon for with under and subject to which the said
Sum of Four thousand pounds and annual sum in lieu of interest thereon are
hereby directed to be held and applied from and after the decease of the said
Martha Bayley but not so as to give to any deed or testamentary instrument
executed by the said Martha Bayley in her lifetime the operation or effect of a
valid exercise of any power of appointment hereinbefore given to the said Martha
Bayley over or in reference to the said sum of Four thousand pounds and
annual payment in line of interest thereon –
Eighthly I direct and declare that Trustees or Trustees do
and shall as soon as conveniently may after my decease by and out of
Page 60 [page 47 of the actual will]
Corpus of my Estate purchase of and from Government an Annuity of Fifty two
pounde to commence from my decease and to be payable during the life of
my Coachman William Hamsher unto him for his use and benefit And
also an Annuity of Twenty six pounds to commence from my decease and
to be payable during the life of my Housekeeper Mrs Emmerson unto her for
her use and benefit And I direct and declare that in case it shall prove
inconvenient or unpracticable to purchase the said Annuities or either of them
my Trustees or Trustee do and shall in the meantime or in default of the
purchase thereof pay the same Annuities out of the net income of my Trust
Estate to the said two Annuitants by equal half yearly payments And I
direct that the Legacy Duty payable in respect of the bequests made by this
Clause shall be payable out of my Trust Estate –
Ninthly I declare that save as respects the interest given to my
Wife during her Widowhood in the freehold and leasehold premises situated at
Kemp Town and Clapham hereinbefore mentioned, nothing in this my Will
contained shall be deemed to confer on any of the bequests made or sums directed
to be paid in and by the eight previous Clauses or paragraphs of this my
Will any right of preference or priority but in the event of the corpus of
my Trust Estate being inadequate to answer and satisfy in full all the bequests
or sums hereinbefore directed to be paid out of the said corpus, the said bequests
or sums shall abate pro rata and in the event of the net income of my trust
estate being inadequate to answer and satisfy in full all the sums hereinbefore directed to
be paid out of net income, the said last mentioned sums shall in each
year during which such inadequacy shall occur abate rateably and no sums
directed to be paid out of net income shall be chargeable upon or payable
out of the corpus of my trust estate But in case the said net income shall
during any year or years be inadequate as aforesaid and there shall in any
Subsequent year or years be any surplus net income after meeting all charges
then such subsequent surplus net income shall be applicable in and or towards
payment and satisfaction pro rata of the amounts previously deducted by way of
abatement Provided always that no subsequent surplus net income shall be
liable to the satisfaction of any amounts which shall have been deducted by way
of abatement more than Six years previously to the time when the existence of
such surplus net income shall be ascertained –
Lastly I declare and direct that subject and without prejudice to
the general powers of disposition and management hereinbefore contained and subject
to the payment and discharge of my funeral and testamentary expences and debts
and incumbrances as hereinbefore directed And subject to the payment and
satisfaction of the bequests specified under the eight heads or paragraphs
hereinbefore contained my said Trustees and Trustee do and shall stand possessed
Page 61 [page 48 of the actual will]
of the corpus of my trust estate and the income thereof upon and for such
trusts intents and purposes and with under and subject to such powers provisoes
and declarations as shall or may most nearly correspond with and be similar to
the uses trusts intents purposes powers provisoes and declarations hereinbefore limited
and declared of and concerning the freehold hereditaments and premises hereinbefore
devised in strict settlement or at near thereto as the different tenure and quality
of such portion of my trust estate as may not be freehold and the rules of Law
and equity will permit but not so as to increase or multiply charges Provided
always and I hereby declare my Will to be that such portions of my said trust
estate as shall consist of hereditaments holden for any Lease or Leases for
years or of other personal estate shall not nor shall any undivided share or
shares thereof vest absolutely in any person by this my Will made tenant in tail
male or tenant in tail general by purchase of the said freehold hereditaments herein
before devised in strict settlement or of any undivided share or shares thereof unless
such person or persons shall attain the age of twenty one years But the same
leasehold hereditaments or other personal estate shall be on the decease of any such
person being tenant in tail male or in tail general by purchase under or by
virtue of this my Will go devolve and remain in the same manner as if the
same had been freehold of inheritance and had been included in the devise
in strict settlement hereinbefore contained Provided also and I hereby direct
and declare that it shall be lawful for my Trustees and Trustee from time to
time provided they he or she shall think it expedient so to do to convey
and assure any freehold hereditaments forming part of my trust estate for the
time being vested in them him or her and which in their his or her opinion
shall be no longer required for the payment or discharge of the said funeral
and testamentary expences debt and incumbrances nor for the purpose of answering
and satisfying the bequests specified under the eight heads or paragraphs
hereinbefore referred to, To the uses upon and for the trusts intents and purposes
and with under and subject to the powers provisoes and declarations hereinbefore
limited and declared of and concerning the freehold hereditaments and premises herein
before devised in strict settlement Provided also and I hereby declare that it
shall be lawfull for my Trustees and Trustee provided they he or she shall to
think fit to levy and raise all or any of the portions or sums hereinbefore
directed to be levied and raised previously to the times hereinbefore fixed for levying
and raising the same in which case the annual payments or annuities herein
before respectivly directed to be made in lieu of interest on such portions or sums
shall as from the time of such portions or sums being raised and paid
cease and determine Provided also and I hereby declare that it shall be
lawful for my Trustees or Trustee if they he or she shall so think fit in?stead?
of levying or raising all or any of the Pecuniary Sums hereinbefore
Page 62 [page 49 of the actual will]
directed to be levied and raised to appropriate or allot in lieu thereof an equivalent
portion of any real or personal estate for the time being forming part of the corpus
of my Trust Estate and to convey or assign or declare the trusts of the ssid
portions of real or personal estate so to be appropriated which said portions of real
or personal estate so conveyed or assigned or whereof the trusts shall be so declared
shall thenceforth be freed and discharged from the general trusts in this my Will
contained concerning my trust estate and be subject only to the trusts and provisions
applicable to the pecuniary sum in lieu of which the said portions of real
personal estate shall have been appropriated or allotted but with the addition of a
trust for sale and conversion of the same portions of real and personal estate
into stocks funds and securities And I declare that as regards the interests of
all persons beneficially entitled any such portions of real estate which may be
appropriated or allotted as aforesaid shall until such sale and conversion be
deemed and taken to be personal estate and be in equity transmissible accordingly
And I direct and declare that the Opinion and decision of the said Trustees or
Trustee as to the value of any freehold leasehold or copyhoold hereditaments or other
real or personal estate to be allotted and appropriated under the provisions
last hereinbefore contained shall to all intents and purposes be final and
conclusive and bind all parties And I suggest (but not so as to fetter or
limit the judgment or discretion of my trustees or trustee in the matter as a general
rule for estimating the value of any leasehold premises which may be allotted as aforesaid
that (subject nevertheless to the peculiar circumstances of each case the value of
leasehold property held in lease for a term of which fifty years or more shall
be unexpired and which shall be underlet at a rack rent for a term of which Seven years or
more shall be unexpired shall be taken at Sixteen times the amount of the net
rackrent And where the same shall be underlet at an improved Ground Rent and
Fifty years or more shall be unexpired of the Underlease the value thereof shall be
taken at Twenty two times the amount of the net improved Ground rent regard being
had in all cases to the value and proximity of the reversion expectant on the
determination of the particular estate Provided also and I hereby direct and
declare that in order to avoid all doubt and and question as to what may be the
amount of the net annual income of my Trust estate whether arising from
My said business or from any other portion of my trust estate or in reference
to the provision respecting net income contained in the Ninth Clause or paragraph
of this my will it shall and may be lawful for my Trustees or Trustee to
decide and determine what ought to be deemed and considered to be the amount
of such net income And also in the event of any inadequacy thereof what
abatement or abatements ought to be made in respect of any sum or sums
payable out of net income and also in case of there being at one time an
inadequacy of net income and then a surplus net income what portion or
Page 63 [page 50 of the actual will]
portions of such surplus net income ought or ought not to be applied towards
satisfying any amount or amounts previously deducted by way of abatement
And I expressly declare that the principles to be adopted in estimating the
profits of my said business either in reference to unproductive Capital or to
deterioration of machinery or depreciation of Stock in trade or otherwise shall be Up
entirely to the discretion of my Trustees or Trustee who shall from time to time
decide and declare whether having regard to all circumstances it ought to be
considered that any profits have been made from my said business during any
year, and if any, what the ammount thereof ought to be taken at And I declare
that the decision and declaration of my Trustees or Trustee in reference to all or
any of the matters by this proviso referred to their decision and determination
shall be final and conclusive upon all parties interested under this my Will
and my Trustees or Trustee shall not be bound to give any statement or
reason to justify or explain the decision or determination at which they may
have arrived it being my intention that they he or she shall have full
complete and uncontrolled discretion in this matter And I hereby direct
that at the end of the year in which my death shall occur an account
shall be taken and a valuation made of all my Stock in trade And of all
houses lands hereditaments and other property estate and effects whatsoever for
the time being vested in the Trustees or Trustee of this my Will And of all
debts liabilities and charges so as to show as truly as possible an exact
Statement of affairs And I further direct that a similar account shall
be taken at the end of every year during the continuance of the trusts of
this my Will Provided always and I hereby further declare that it shall
be lawful for my Trustees or Trustee at any time or times if they he or she
shall think fit so to do [but so that in regard to any stocks funds or
securities in which any person may have a prior estate for life or other prior
interest the same be done with his or her consent in writing which consent
shall as respects any such person being a feine covert be valid and effectual
notwithstanding her Coverture] to raise and apply all or any part of parts
of the then vested or then presumptive share of any or every child of any of
my said four daughters or of either of my said Nieces Ellen Cubitt and Agnes
Cubitt or of either of my said nephews John Cuthell and Andrew Cuthell or of
my said Sister in Law Martha Bayley of and in the respective Stocks
funds and securities hereinbefore respectively directed to be held in trust for the
children of such daughters nieces nephews and Sister in Law for or towards the
respective preferment advancement or benefit of such child Provided also and
I hereby further declare that [subject and without prejudice to and after the
determination of any prior interests for life or other prior interests which my said
daughters nieces nephews and Sister in Law or the husbands of any such
Page 64 [page 51 of the actual will]
daughters or nieces or any other person may have or take in the respective stocks
funds and securities hereinbefore directed to be held in trust for the children of
such daughters nieces nephews and sister in law or in the annual payments
hereinbefore directed to be made in lieu of interest) it shall be lawful for my
said Trustees or Trustee during the minority or minorities of any child or children
of any of my said daughters nieces nephews and Sister in Law to pay and apply
all or so much as my said Trustees or Trustee shall think proper of the interest
dividends and annual produce of the then expectant or presumptive share or
shares of such child or children of and in the said respective stocks funds or securities
or of or in any annual payments hereinbefore directed to be made in lieu of interest
for or towards his her or their respective maintenance and education or otherwise
for his her or their benefit And I declare that my said Trustees or
Trustee do and shall accumulate all the residue (if any) of such interest
dividends and annual produce and of such annual payments in lieu of interest
in the way of compound interest by investing the same and all the resulting
income and produce thereof from time to time in or upon stocks funds or
securities of the class hereinbefore prescribed for investment in reference to the
principal sum from which such interest dividends and annual produce shall have
arisen or in lieu of interest on which such annual payments shall have been made
And do and shall hold all such accumulations for the benefit of the person
or persons who under the trusts herein contained shall become entitled to the
principal fund from which the same respectively shall have proceeded or (as
respects any accumulations arising from annual payments in lieu of interest
to the principal fund in lieu of interest on which such annual payments shall
have been made with power for my Trustees or Trustee to resort to the accumulation
of any preceding year or years and to apply the same as to my said Trustees
or Trustee shall seem meet towards the maintenance and education of the child
or children who shall for the time being be presumptively entitled to the same
respectively in like manner as such accumulations might have been applied under
the power hereinbefore contained in case the same accumulations had been interest
dividends or annual produce arising from the original Trust fund in the year
in which the same shall be so applied for maintenance and education –
Provided always and I hereby declare my Will to be that it shall be lawful
for my Trustee or Trustee when and so soon as or at any time after any
principal sum of money hereinbefore directed to be raised as a portion or provision
for any one of my said daughters nephews or neices or for my Sister in law
shall be raised pursuant to the provisions of this my Will with the
consent in writing of such daughter nephew niece or Sister in Law
(and as regards females whether then covert or sole) to pay assign convey
or otherwise transfer such principal sum of money or such part of my trust
Page 65 [page 52 of the actual will]
estate (if any) as may have been appropriated in lieu or satisfaction thereof
under the trusts hereinbefore contained unto a distinct set of Trustees not
exceeding three in number to be nominated by such daughter nephew niece
or Sister in law and approved of by my Trustees or Trustee Upon such
trusts and with all such powers and authorities (to be declared by deed duly
executed) as shall as nearly as may be correspond with the trusts powers and
authorities by this my Will declared and given of and concerning or in respect of
the portion or provision directed to be raised for such daughter nephew niece or
Sister in Law so as that such distinct set of Trustees and their Successors shall
thenceforth so far as regards the portion provision in question stand in the place
and stead of my Trustees or Trustee And every such deed shall contain
such powers of appointing new Trustees from time to time and for the
undemnification of Trustees and making the receipts of Trustees sufficient
discharges and for the investment of the Trust fund and the change of
securities and the purchasing leasing sale or exchange of any freehold copyhold
or leasehold messuages lands or hereditaments and other such powers provisoes
and conditions as my Trustees or Trustee and such daughter nephew niece or
Sister in law shall think proper and advisable Provided also and I hereby
declare that it shall be lawful for my said Trustees or Trustee to compromise
or compound any Action Suit proceeding difference dispute claim or demand
relating to my Trust Estate or any part thereof upon any terms which they he or
she shall think proper And to refer any such difference dispute claim or
demand to arbitration And to do all acts and execute all instruments expedient
for such purposes or any of them And in all cases in which any questions of law
or equity shall arise in relation to my said Trust Estate to settle and arrange
the same in such manner as shall be advised by their or his or her Counsel
And to abandon or relinquish any claim in relation to all or any part of my said
Trust Estate which their his or her Counsel shall advise them him or her
to abandon or relinquish land to adjust settle and approve all accounts in
relation to all or any part of my said Trust Estate and generally to compromise settle and adjust all claims accounts demands and questions in anywise
relating to or affecting my said Trust Estate and to execute and do all
releases and things in relation to the premises as fully and absolutely to all
intents and purposes as my Trustees or Trustee could do if they he or she were
or was the absolute Owners or Owner of my said Trust Estate Provided
Always and it is hereby agreed and declared that the receipt or receipts in writing
of my said Wife my said son George and my said nephew Andrew Cuthell or the
Survivors or survivor of them or the heirs executors or administrators of such
Survivor or of the Trustees or Trustee for the time being acting in the execution
of the trusts of these presents for the purchase money of any property
hereby directed or authorized to be sold and for any other monies stocks funds
Page 66 [page 53 of the actual will]
securities paid or transferred to them or him under or by virtue of these
presents or in the execution of any of the trusts hereof shall be an effectual
discharge or effectual discharges for such monies stocks funds or securities
And that the person or persons to whom the same shall be given his her
or their heirs executors administrators or assigns shall not afterwards be answerable
or accountable for any loss misapplication or nonapplication of such monies stocks
funds or securities or be in any wise obliged or concerned to see to the application
therof Provided always and I do hereby declare my Will to be that if
the said Charles Parker, Edgar Alfred Bowring, my said Wife, my said Son
George, my said nephew Andrew Cuthell or any future Trustee or Trustees to be
appointed in their his or her place or respective places shall die or be abroad
for twelve Calendar months at one time be desirous of being discharged
of and from or refuse or decline or become incapable to act in the trusts
or powers hereby in them respectively reposed or to them respectively given as
aforesaid before the said respective trusts or powers shall have been fully executed
performed or discharged or shall have become incapable of taking effect (And
I hereby declare that in the event of my wife marrying again she shall
for the purposes of this provision be deemed to have became incapable to act
in the trusts or powers reposed in her) then and in such case and when
and so often as the same shall happen it shall be lawful for the
surviving or continuing Trustee or Trustees for the time being And for this
purpose any Trustee or Trustees retiring from or declining to act in the Trusts
reposed in him or her shall if willing to act in the exercise of this present
power be considered a continuing Trustee or continuing Trustees for the executors
or administratoors of the last surviving or continuing Trustee for the time being
by writing under his their or her hands or hand to nominate substitute or
appoint one or more person or persons to be a Trustee or Trustees in the stead
or place of the Trustee or Trustees so dying or being abroad or desiring to
be discharged or refusing declining or becoming incapable to act as aforesaid
And that when and so often as any new Trustee or Trustees shall be nominated
and appointed as aforesaid all the trust estates monies and premises (if any
which shall then be vested in the Trustee or Trustees so being abroad or
desiring to be discharged or refusing declining or becoming incapable to act as
aforesaid either soley jointly with the other Trustee or Trustees of the same
respectively or in the heirs executors or administrators of the last surviving
Trustee of the same respectively (as the case may be) shall with all
convenient speed be conveyed assigned and transferred in such sort and manner
and so as that the same shall and may be legally and effectually vested
in the surviving or continuing Trustee or Trustees of the same respectively and
such new and other Trustee or Trustees or if there shall be no continuing
Page 67 [page 54 of the actual will]
Trustee or Trustees of the same respectively then in such new Trustees solely
upon the trusts hereinbefore declared of and concerning the same Trust
estates monies and premises respectively or such of the same Trusts as may be
then subsisting or capable of taking effect And I do hereby declare that
the Trustee or Trustees so to be nominated substituted or appointed as
aforesaid shall and may either before or after the said Trust Estates monies
and premises (if any) shall have been so vested in him or them solely
or jointly as aforesaid in all things act and assist in the management
carrying on and execution of all the trusts and powers to which he or they
shall be so appointed in comjunction with the other then surviving or
continuing Trustee or Trustees of the same respectively if there shall be
any such surviving or continuing Trustee or Trustees and if not then by
himself or themselves as fully and effectually and shall and may have
and exercise all the same power and powers authority and authorities to
all intents effects constructions and purposes whatsoever as if he or they had
been originally in and by this my Will nominated a Trustee or Trustees respectively
shall be appointed Trustee or Trustees And as the Trustee or Trustees in
this my Will named his or their heirs executors or administrators in or to
whose place such new Trustee or Trustees shall respectively come or
succeed are or is enabled to do or could or might have done under and
by virtue of this my Will if then living and continuing to act in
the trusts or powers hereby reposed on or limited to him or them
Provided always and I do hereby declare that the said several
Trustees hereby nominated and appointed or to be appointed by virtue of the
Proviso lastly hereinbefore contained and each and every of them and the
heirs executors administrators and assigns of them each and every of them
shall be charged and chargeable respectively only for such monies is they
shall respectively actually receive by virtue of the trusts hereby in them
reposed notwithstanding his their or any of their giving or signing
or joining in giving or signing any receipt or receipts for the sake of
conformity and any one or more of them shall not be answerable or
accountable for the other or others of them or for the acts receipts neglects
or defaults of the other or others of them but each and every of them
only for his and their own acts receipts neglects or defaults respectively
And that any one or more of them shall not be answerable or
accountable for any Banker Broker or other person with whom or in
whose hands any part of the said trust monies shall or may be
deposited or lodged for safe custody or otherwise in the execution of the Trusts
of this my Will or any of them And that they or any of them
or any
Page 68 [page 55 of the actual will]
shall not be answerable or accountable for the insufficiency or deficiency
of any security or securities stocks or funds in or upon which the said
trust monies or any part thereof shall be placed out or invested
nor for any other misfortune loss or damage which may happen in
the execution of the aforesaid trusts or in relation thereto except the same
shall happen by or through their own wilful default respectively And also
that it shall be lawful for them the said Trustees in this my Will
named and such future Trustee or Trustees so to be appointed as
aforesaid and every or any of them their and every of their heirs executors
administrators and assigns by and out of the monies which shall come to
their respective hands by virtue of the trusts aforesaid to retain to and
reimburse himself and themselves respectively and also to allow to his and
their Cotrustee and Cotrustees all costs charges damages and expences which
they or any of them shall or may suffer sustain expend disburse be
at or be put unto in or about the execution of the aforesaid
Trusts or in relation thereto Provided also and I hereby declare
that it shall be lawful for my Trustees or Trustee (meaning thereby
according to the definition or explanation hereinbefore contained, the
Trustees or Trustee for the time being of my General Residuary
Trust Estate only and not the said Charles Parker and Edgar Alfred
Bowring or any Trustees or Trustee to be appointed in the place of
them or either of them) to retain out of the net income of my
Trust Estate as a compensation for the trouble and loss of time of
such Trustees or Trustee such annual amount as my said Trustees
or Trustee may agree upon not exceeding One hundred pounds per annum
for each Trustee Provided always and I declare that my
said Nephew Andrew Cothell shall not be entitled to receive any
such Compensation during such time as he shall under the provision
hereinbefore in that behalf contained be in the receipt of a Salary for
Management And I hereby appoint my said Wife to be the
sole Guardian of any Infant Child and Children which I may
leave at the time of my decease, during the minority or respective
minorities of such my Infant Child or Children And in the
event of my said Wife dying before all such Infant Children
shall have attained the age of Twenty one years I appoint
my said son George and my said Nephew Andrew Cuthell and
the Survivor of them to be the Guardians and Guardian
of such child or children during the minority or minorities of
such child or children And I hereby appoint my said Wife my
Page 69 [probate]
Proved at London with four Codicils 10th of Jan[uar]y 1856
Before the Worshipful Alfred Waddilove Doctor of Laws
& Surrogate, by the Oaths of Mary Anne Cubitt widow
the Relict, George Cubitt Esq[ui]re the Son and Andrew Cuthell
Esquire the Nephew, the Executors to whom Adm[initrati]on was –
granted having been first sworn to administer –
Page 70 [page [56] of the actual will]
said Son Gearge and my said Nephew Andrew Cuthell to be the Executrix
and Executors of this my Will In Witness whereof I the said
Thomas Cubitt the testator have to this my last Will and Testament
contained in Fifty six Sheets of Paper, set my hand and seal, that is to
say, my hand to the first Fifty five sheets thereof and my hand and seal
to this fifty sixth and last sheet thereof this First day of August
in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty five
Signed sealed published and acknowledged }
by the said Thomas Cubitt the testator as and for his last }
Will and Testament in the presence of us (present at the } Tho[ma]s Cubitt (seal)
same time) who at his request, in his presence and in the }
presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our Names }
as Witnesses:
James Hopgood
14 King Williams Strand
Jos: Hr Barnes
Cl[er]k to Mr Ja[me]s Hopgood.
31th December 1855.
Mary Anne Cubitt Widow the Relict George Cubitt, Esquire
the Son and Andrew Cuthell Esquire the Nephew the Executors
named in this Will with four Codicils thereto were duly
sworn to the truth and faithful performance thereof
as usual that the whole of the Goods Chattels and
Credits of the Deceased are in value upwards of One Million
pounds and that he died on the twentieth day of December
instant (1855)
Upper value }
?Dame? Jellicoe ??? }
The Testater Thomas Cubitt was late of A Waddilove
Denbies near Dorking in the County of
Surry and of Lyall Street Belgrave Square
in the County of Middlesex Builder
deceased The Testator died at the same place.
Page 76
August 1855
Will 44 God! Je Midt
Thomas Cubill
Jan 7 1856
PRO 10 7453
[1] Binding is hiding the first word of this sentence.
[2] I’m not 100% certain of this word. Could do with an image of higher resolution to see the finer details of the text.